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- Me no vide cual es la problem tan grande, - Evelyn ia dise paseante longo la semetero vea con un lampa de pox en sua mano.
- I don’t see what the big deal is, - said Evelyn walking along the old graveyard with a flashlight in her hand.
Patricia ci ia pasea a lado ia fa un suspira longa.
Patricia walking beside her gave a long sigh.
- Esta es no plu juas de bebes, - el ia dise.
- This isn’t baby stuff anymore, - she said.
- Me sabe ce esta es no plu juas de bebes, - Evelyn ia dise. - Nos es adolesentes aora. Nos no fa majia bebe, nos fa majia adolesente.
- I know this isn’t baby stuff, - said Evelyn. - We’re teens now. We don’t do baby magic, we do teen magic.
Ambos de Evelyn e Patricia ia es sorsores ci ia fini resente sua lesones de majia bebe e ia comensa sumerji se en majia adolesente, la majia la plu estrema de tota majias.
Evelyn and Patricia were both witches who had recently finished their baby magic classes and were deep into teen magic, the most radical of all magics.
- Mera, me no pensa ce tu ia considera tota la resultas posible, - Patricia ia dise. - On ave sempre resultas con majia adolesente. E plu la majia es estrema, plu la resultas es nodosa.
- I just don’t think you’ve thought through all the consequences, - said Patricia. - There are always consequences with teen magic. And the more radical the magic the more gnarly the consequences.
Evelyn ia para, regardante ante se un petra de tomba luminada par la lampa de pox.
Evelyn stopped walking, her flashlight steadily illuminating a tombstone in front of them.
- Bon, nos ia ariva, - el ia dise e a pos el ia desapone sua bolson e ia comensa estrae candelas e folias e otra cosas sorsoral.
- Well we’re here, - she said and then she took off her backpack and began taking out candles and leaves and other witch things.
- Esce me pote ave mea lunchable[¹]? - Patricia ia demanda.
- Can I have my lunchable? - asked Patricia.
- Nos ave sola un lunchable per cadun. Los debe dura tra la note, - Evelyn ia dise.
- We only have one lunchable each. It has to last us the night, - said Evelyn.
- Me sabe, - Patricia ia dise. - Alora esce me pote ave mea lunchable?
- I know, - said Patricia. - So can I have my lunchable?
Evelyn ia dona a Patricia sua lunchable.
Evelyn handed Patricia her lunchable.
- Me no va comparti cualce de la mea si tu va es ancora fame plu tarda, - Evelyn ia dise sabente ce el va comparti sin duta si Patricia va demanda.
- I’m not giving you any of mine if you’re still hungry later, - said Evelyn knowing she totally would if Patricia asked.
- Lo es oce, - Patricia ia dise ance sabente ce Evelyn va dona serta alga de sua lunchable a el plu tarda.
- That’s fine, - said Patricia also knowing that Evelyn would totally give her some of her lunchable later.
Subita on ia oia un ulula xiliante e xocante cual ia clace cada oso adolesente de Evelyn e Patricia. Pos un momento corta un forma spetral ia apare ante los. Lo ia es nonconfusable un fantasma de William Randolph Hearst, comersiste esuan de la sentenio 20.
Suddenly there was a terrible screeching howl which rattled each of Evelyn and Patricia’s teen bones. An instant later a spectral form appeared before them. It was unmistakably the ghost of 20th century American businessman William Randolph Hearst.
- Ci osa disturba denova mea dormi? - la fantasma de Senior Hearst ia ruji.
- Who dares disturb my slumber again? - bellowed the ghost of Mister Hearst.
Esta ia es la tempo mesma cuando Evelyn ia nota tota candelas e folias e contenadores vacua de lunchables cual on ia ave ja su la petra de tomba.
It was then that Evelyn noticed all the candles, and leaves, and empty lunchable containers already sitting beneath the tombstone.
- Nos no es la adolesentes prima asi, - el ia xuxa a Patricia, ci per la plu ia iniora la avenis e ia mastica sua lunchable.
- We’re not the first teens to come here tonight, - she whispered to Patricia, who was mostly ignoring the going ons and munching on her lunchable.
- Plu temprana alga vandales ia clama me de la ultramundo sola per pedi alora mea inguin fantasmal la un pos la otra.
- There were hooligans here earlier who summoned me from the afterworld only to then take turns kicking me in my ghost nads.
En un move rapida, ante la fantasma ia pote reata, Evelyn ia penduli sua gama a alta e ia pedi la fantasma direta a sua inguin. Senior Hearst ia ulula en dole e coleria.
In one swift movement, before the ghost could react, Evelyn swung her leg up and kicked him directly in the ghost nads. He howled in pain and anger.
- Esta es la razona per cual ance nos ia veni asi, - Evelyn ia dise, teninte la lunchable de Patricia cuando el ia dirije sua propre pedi a inguin fantasmal.
- That’s why we’re here too, - Evelyn said and then held Patricia’s lunchable as she administered her own ghost nad kick.
Acel ia es la bon dias vea cuando sorsores adolesente nonconsernada ia clama la fantasmas de maniates de jornales raziste e ia pedi la jenitales temable de los. Serta, tota esta ia cambia cuando la Balena Roja ia velia de sua dormi de 10,000 anios, ma acel es un otra raconta.
Those were the good old days when carefree teen witches summoned the ghosts of racist newspaper moguls and kicked them in their spooky genitals. Of course all that changed when the Red Whale woke from her 10,000 years slumber but that’s another story.
[¹] Un marca comersial de cometa.
Esta paje es presentada con la lisensa CC Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International.
Lo ia es automatada jenerada de la paje corespondente en la Vici de Elefen a 13 febrero 2025 (09:01 UTC).