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Mostra ance la testo orijinal

Ep.21 “Mense de peca mega”

Ep.21 “Month of Mega Sin”

Alga cosa no ia es oce con Julia-24. Sua oreas ia es pico tro bambolante. Sua nas ia es pico tro ximinte. Sua oios ia ave un tipo de regarda selacin como si un selaco ia asconde se pos los. Ma acel ia es serta asurda. Como un selaco ta pote entra a Julia-24? El no ia es tan grande como un selaco completa. La idea ia es asurda.

There was something wrong with Julia-24. Her ears were just a little too wobbly. Her nose was just a little too twitchy. Her eyes had a sort of shark look as if there was a shark looking from behind them. But that was nonsense of course. How could a shark have gotten inside Julia-24? She wasn’t nearly as big as a whole shark. The idea was nonsense.

Ancora, Julia-12 ia es preocupada. El ia es ance preocupada en la pasada sur Julia-8 e Julia-26 ma acel preocupas ia es vacua. Acel du Julias ia fa ancora lo cual los ia debe fa, en ordina, la manteni de macinas e la odontia.

Still, Julia-12 was concerned. She had been concerned before about Julia-8 and Julia-26 but nothing had come of that. Those two Julias was still doing what they should be doing which was machine maintenance and dentistry respectively.

Julia-12 ia es un manejor de opera a la cupola-Julia. Pasada lo ia es un posto de Julia-6 ma el ia es ja mancante per ses menses asta aora. Acel no ia es la ves prima cuando los ia perde un Julia, ma acel ia es vera la ves prima cuando los no ia pote trova a la min un corpo-Julia.

Julia-12 was operations manager at Julia-dome. It had previously had been Julia-6’s job but she had gone missing six months ago. Just straight up disappeared from the whole dang dome. It wasn’t the first time they had lost a Julia but it was the first time they hadn’t been able to at least find a Julia-body.

- Julia-24! - Julia-12 ia dise prosiminte a la loca en la atrio de la cupola-Julia do el ia reposa.

- Julia-24! - said Julia-12 approaching the area she was resting in the Julia-dome’s atrium.

- Si, Julia-12? - Julia-24 ia dise.

- Yes, Julia-12? - said Julia-24.

Sua vose – lo ia es un plu problem. Lo ia es bizara. Pico como de un selaco.

Her voice – that was another thing. It was wrong. Just slightly too shark-like.

- Me es preocupada, - Julia-12 ia dise.

- I have concerns, - said Julia-12.

- O.

- Oh.

- Si. Tua oreas es pico tro bambolante e tua nas es pico tro ximinte.

- Yeah. Your ears are a little too wobbly and your nose is a little too twitchy.

- Mea dio, vera? Pardona me, Julia-12! Me no ia reconose ce partes de mea fas es tan nonplasente per tu, tu bizara grande.

- Oh jeez really? Dang! Sorry, Julia-12. I didn’t realize my face bits weren’t to your liking, you big weirdo.

Julia-12 ia fa un paso a ante con un regarda coler forminte en sua du oios-Julia.

Julia-12 stepped forward, an angry look forming in her two gray Julia-eyes.

- Escuta bon, Julia-24! Me es un manejor de opera e me nesesa serti ce tota funsiona en la modo la plu bon. La plu bon, me dise!

- Listen here, Julia-24! I’m operations manager and I need to make sure everything is running tip-top. Tip-top, I say!

- E mea nas e oreas no es la plu bon?

- And my nose and ears aren’t tippy-toppy?

- Lo no conserna vera la nas e oreas… - Julia-12 ia dise, atentante comprende con cual parolas el pote espresa sua preocupa. - Me simple ave un senti ce tua corpo es controlada par un selaco en alga modo.

- It’s not really about the nose and ears… - said Julia-12 trying to figure out how to put her concerns into words. - It’s more this feeling I have like there’s a shark controlling your body somehow.

- Me pensa ce la problem es, - Julia-24 ia dise, regardante Julia-12 con intensia selacin, - ce tu ave alga spesie de ansia pertinente a selacos e tu estende lo a me.

- I think the problem here, - said Julia-24 looking at Julia-12 with the shark’s intensity, - is that you’ve got some sort of shark based anxieties that you’re projecting onto me.

- O… Si, esta es probable lo… - Julia-12 ia dise.

- Oh… Yeah, that’s probably it, - said Julia-12.

Alora Julia-6 ia apare subita.

Just then Julia-6 walked up.

- Alo, cadun!

- Hey, everyone!

- Do, de enferno, tu ia es? - Julia-12 ia demanda.

- Where the heck have you been? - asked Julia-12.

- Me ia es clavida estra la cupola-Julia e ia es comeda. Me es aora un fantasma-Julia.

- I got locked out of Julia-dome and got eaten. I’m a Julia-ghost now.

- La mesma cosa ia aveni a me, - Julia-24 ia dise, - ma me es aora un selaco-Julia.

- The same thing happened to me, - said Julia-24, - but I’m a Julia-shark now.

- Me ia sabe!!! - Julia-12 ia dise.

- I knew it!!! - said Julia-12.

- Si, tu ia catura me, - Julia-24 ia dise e a pos el ia come Julia-12, gatilinte un cadena de avenis cual ia mata la dinosauros. Car tota esta ia aveni 60 milion anios ante aora.

- Yeah, you got me, - said Julia-24 and then she ate Julia-12 setting off a chain of events that killed the dinosaurs because this all happened 60 million years ago.

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Lo ia es automatada jenerada de la paje corespondente en la Vici de Elefen a 13 febrero 2025 (09:01 UTC).