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Mostra ance la testo orijinal

Ep.13 โ€œMense de jusโ€

Ep.13 โ€œMonth of Juiceโ€

La note ia es tan fria como lo ia es roja. Si, vera, la note ia es roja car la cultiveria local de foco ia opera a 24 oras per dia, produinte grupos nova de foco fresca an a la oras la plu tarda.

The night was as cold as it was red. Thatโ€™s right, the night was red as the local fire farm was in operation 24 hours a day producing new batches of fresh fire even during the very latest of hours.

Anya Duvall ia abita a un pico de milias de la cultiveria en un casa peti cual el ia erita de sua madre. A esta note el ia senta sur sua teto regardante la luminese roja de la cultiveria, bevinte un te calda de jasmin.

Anya Duvall lived a few miles away from the farm in a small house she had inherited from her mother. Tonight she was sitting on her roof watching the farmโ€™s red glow, drinking a hot jasmine tea.

- Nos abita un tal mundo, - el ia dise a se, - esta mundo do nos debe cultiva foco per alga razona. Me ta vole sabe la razona ma regretable me no es un cultivor.

- What a world we live in, - she said to herself, - this world, where we have to farm fire for some reason. I wish I new the reason but alas I am not a farmer.

- Cual? - un fantasma pasante ia dise.

- What? - said a passing ghost.

- Me ia parla a me, - Anya ia dise.

- Iโ€™m talking to myself, - said Anya.

- O, - la fantasma ia responde, ci ia levita per un secondo e ia flota a via a la nubes a supra.

- Oh, - replied the ghost who hovered for a second and then floated away into the clouds above.

Anya no ia es preocupada par la fantasma car on ia ave multe fantasmas en esta mundo. Los ia flota simple de asi a ala sin disturba vera algun. Tota de los ia es nuda e nunca ia atenta asconde sua corpos, ma on ia abitua a esta.

Anya wasnโ€™t concerned with the ghost as there were many ghosts in this world. They just sort of floated to and fro not really bothering anyone. They were all naked and had extremely graphic bodies but people were used to it.

On ia oia un ronci basa strana e la casa ia trema pico.

There was a low weird rumble and the house shook a bit.

- O no! - Anya ia dise cuando sua copa de te ia rola de la teto. - Mea te!

- Oh no! - said Anya as her cup rolled off the roof. - My tea!

Un fantasma du ia catura la copa e ia retrae lo a el.

A second ghost caught the cup and brought it back to her.

- Asi, - la fantasma ia dise. - Tota la te ia malversa, ma la copa es oce.

- Here, - said the ghost. - All the tea fell out but the cup is okay.

- Grasias, - Anya ia dise. - Esce tu sabe cual ia es esta ronci?

- Thanks, - said Anya. - Do you know what that rumbling was?

- Permete ce me consulta mea vide fantasmin, - la fantasma ia dise e Anya ia turna a via. El no ia gusta oserva la fantasmas cuando los usa sua vide fantasmin. Lo ia senti an plu nonconveninte ca regarda sua inguines fantasmin.

- Let me check my ghost vision, - said the ghost and Anya turned away. She didnโ€™t like to watch the ghosts while they used their ghost vision. It felt even more inappropriate than staring at their ghost junk.

- O. Lo es bizara, - la fantasma ia dise.

- Oh. Thatโ€™s weird, - said the ghost.

- Cual es bizara? - Anya ia demanda.

- Whatโ€™s weird? - asked Anya.

- La ronci ia es tu, veninte tra un porton a esta mundo, - la fantasma ia dise.

- The rumbling was you coming through a portal into this world, - said the ghost.

- Lo es bizara, si, - Anya ia dise.

- That is weird, - said Anya.

- Tro bizara per me, - la fantasma ia dise e a pos el ia flota a supra a la sielo per pigri con la fantasma prima.

- Too weird for me, - said the ghost who then floated up to the sky to hang out with the first ghost.

La ronci ia comensa denova, a esta ves plu forte e con un elemento vidal โ€“ un punto luminosa en la aira prosima a la loca do Anya ia senta. La punto ia deveni plu e plu luminosa ante cuando lo ia es tan luminosa como on pote imajina un punto posible. Alora de esta luminosia Anya ia sorti e ia senta prosima a se.

The rumbling started again, this time louder and with a visual element โ€“ a bright spot in the air near where Anya sat. The spot grew brighter and brighter until it was about as bright as you could imagine a spot could be. Then out of the brightness stepped Anya who sat down next to herself.

- Alo, me es tu de un otra dimension, - esta Anya nova ia dise.

- Hey, Iโ€™m you from another dimension, - said this new Anya.

- Oce. Cual tuโ€ฆ cual tu vole? - la Anya prima, la usual, ia demanda.

- Cool. What dโ€ฆ what do you want? - asked the first regular Anya.

- Me veni de un mundo do on no debe cultiva foco. Foco aveni simple sin aida a veses, - la Anya de la porton ia dise, - e mea casa ia arde completa e par esta causa esce me pote reposa asi per alga dias?

- I come from a world where you donโ€™t have to farm fire. Fire just sort of happens on its own sometimes, - said the portal Anya, - and my house burned down so can I stay here for a few days?

Un otra porton ia abri a destra de la Anya du e de lo un plu Anya mor e ardeda ia cade.

Another portal opened to the right of the second Anya and out of it fell dead burnt up Anya.

- Oh no! - la Anya prima ia dise. - Me espera ce esta no va aveni plu tra tota la note.

- Oh no, - said the first Anya. - I hope this doesnโ€™t keep happening like all night.

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Lo ia es automatada jenerada de la paje corespondente en la Vici de Elefen a 16 otobre 2024 (10:43 UTC).