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In Elefen, nov werds ghehde bihe formen gwuntend-ye prefixes au suffixes ad existant werds, we combinend-ye dwo existant werds do oin composit nomen.

Est yaschi possible renudes adjectives ka nomens, ed verbs ka nomens, aun gwuntes un affixe.


Quan un prefixe endend med un consonn biht gwut uni werd quod oistart med id sam consonn, tod consonn biht scripto tik oins (inter+rede  →  interede,​ non+nesesada  →  nonesesada).

Anti = anti-.

Auto = swo-.

des- = “dis-”, yani diskwehre un action.

inter = inter-

media = mid-

non = non-, ne-

pos = pos-

pre = pre-

re = re-

su- = su(b)-

supra = super-

vis = vice-

bon = sua- / mal = dus-

Numers ed fractions bihnti nuden ka prefixes in certain numers. Con familia members, numers denote stets pierner generations, kam sequences om “grand-, pro-, apo-, eti-” in Sambahsa


Maung suffixes inkape med un voyel. Quan un solg suffixe biht gwuten uni werd quod ja endti med un voyel, id existant voyel biht omitten, nib eet id saul voyel in id tienjien werd :

Sei un suffixe creet un invalid voyelsequence, dwoter voyel tos sequence biht omitten :

Dwo exceptions :

Suffixes qua skeipe verbs

Kam alya verbs, ia verbs gohnt ab tod suffixe ghehdt bihe nuden bo transitive-ye ed intransitive-ye, au ka nomens.

-i biht gwuten ad nomens ed adjectives kay forme verbs maynend “bihe…” “change do…”. Exceptional-ye, toschi includt verbs maynend “emitte un substance au un nov part”:

i kwehrt yaschi sem verbs maynend “nudes…” (typic-ye ka alat au apparat), au “applie” (un substance au un boidos) :

Suffixes qua skeipe adjectives

Kam alya adjectives, ia adjectives gohnt ab ta suffixes poitte bihe nuden ka nomens.

in = -in, -lik, -isk :

-osa = -eus, -went :

-al = -al :

-iste = -iste; kathalika est -isme = -isme :

-an = -an; meg nuden pro adjectives de bahsas ed folks.

Alter quar suffixes tos categoria in Elefen sont : -es = -ese, -i = -i, ed -sce = -sk :

-ica = -ic

-nte est gwuten ei verb kay cree id prev participe, yani Sambahsa -(e)nd. Mathalan :

Sema nomens hatta neude tod -nte enden : “La covrente es sur la caxa” =

Id prev participe est in -da :

-able correspondt Sambahsa -ble, -et, -im :

Suffixes qua skeipe nomens

-or = -er. Sei gwuten uni verb, id mayneiht un nomen un anghen quel tyeict id specifiet action, ops typic-ye au adic-ye. Sei gwuten uni nomen, id mayneiht un nomen un anghen quel wehrct med id specifoet action, we act id specifiet sport :

-ador hat id samo maynen, bet creet nomens maynend un alat au uno machine quod tyeict id specifiet action, we wehrct ep id specifiet ject:

-eria est gwuten uni nomen au verb kay maynihes un nomen un loc, ops uno magasin, asocyet ei specifiet action au ject :

ia = -ia

-isme = isme :

Minter productive suffixes

Ia sehkwnd suffixes bihnt applien tik ad specific werds, kam definihn in id dictionar.

-eta est gwuten ad certaina nomens kay cree uno nam pro un version semquos quod buit reducen ye un sonterweidos. To includt ia nams yunen animals ed subvestern. -eta ghehdt sam-ye bihe gwuten oikims verbs ed adjectives kay cree werds pro reducen versions om actions ed qualitats :

-on est gwuten ad certaina nomens kay cree uno nam pro un version semquos quod buit criscen ye un sonterweidos. To includt ia nams om (uder) povestis :

-eta ed -on ne sont synonyms pro peti ed grande: Est alnos possible habe un careta grande ed un salon peti. Instet, skeipent werds samt nov sontermaynens qua maghe meis au minter bihe descript ka esend lyter au larger versions ios tienjien nomen.

-o ed -a bihnt gwuten oikims nomens qua denote members ios familia, kay permute id maynen inter ner ed ster :

Ia nams om sem drus bihnt hasilen changend-ye id final -a ios nam ios iev do -o :

-esa biht gwuten oikims nomens denotend historic-ye ner social rols kay skipes id ster equivalent :

Technic affixes

Kam in Sambahsa, Elefen neude ia international technic ed scientific lexis ex Latin ed Hellen, bet adaptet ia do Elefen orthographia.

Quan un preposition biht nuden ka technic prefixe, id sehkwt id sam reul quem supra-; yani sei id hat dwo au meis syllabs ed endti med un voyel, ed sei id reste ios werd oistart med id sam voyel, tod voyel prehpt tik oins (contra+ataca  →  contrataca).

Ia suffixes -i ed -uple bihnti nuden pro fractions ed multiples.

Composit nomens

Un composit nomen ghehdt bihe skipen combinend-ye un verb con ids object, in tod aurdhen. Id resultat maynt un anghen au jecto quel tyeict activitat-on ep object-on :

Sei id object inkapt med un voyel, biht gwupt nib est id sam quem id final voyel ios verb, kam in portavion.

Elefen ne permitti dwo consecutive nomens pro skipes un composit. Instet, un preposition dehlct bihe placen inter bo nomens. Mathalan :

In rar falls, un talg wekwos hat un special non-literal maynren ed biht ayn kamsei esiet oin werd. Mathalan, un leon-de-mar (otaria) ne est un lion. In talg falls, ta werds bihnt yugen med dascha, ed quakwe adjectives sehkwnti dwoter nomen. Dascha poittent yaschi bihe nudt pro literaler composits quando to kayjint clartat :

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