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Un typic verb denotet id jinkdousa au id tyehgven uns action (drahe, stope), un sibia (habe, luses), au un stand (stahe, tahe). In Elefen, verbs ne change kay dikes jects kam tid au modus. Instet, adverbs bihnti nuden, besonters ia tri preverbs ia, va ed ta. Quodlibt verbo poitt bihe renuden aun change ka nomen.
Id adverb ios futur tid est va (un werd os franceois origin). Ia prev tids, pati perfect ed plus-quem-perfect neude ia (os Chavacano origin). Ta sonteradverbs precedde id verb. Id presento tid est aunmark.
Storias ops describe wakyas qua hant mutten in id prev (au un exmohnen prev), we quos wakthadhs ne interesse el leiser. In talg falls, ia poitt bihe omiss.
Elefen ne enderkweit inter ia perfect ed imperfect aspects ios verb (mathalan : io ess / ee-eddo / ho edden / io hieb edden). Lakin, id succession in wakt om dwo actions ghehdt facil-ye bihe clarifiet gwuntend-ye ja ad preter action.
Sont alya weidsa kay clarifie id tidensequence :
Elefen hat un optional “irrealis” particule ta (os haytian origin) quod poitt bihe nuden kay dikes od semject est irreal, au in dwoi, au mer-ye possible au vanschen. Un jumla samt “ta” betrehft un alternative realitat. In jumlas neudend si (sei), ta biht addihn ei magni clause, bet bihe biadet omiss in id sei-clause - quayque include id ne est banen. Id maght suggeste un future quod est minter probable quem tod neudend va. Ta maght yaschi expremes un polite haja. Id maght bihe nuden in situations quer maung bahsas usient subjunctive au conditional modus, ed ops correspondt id Sambahsa conditional (-ie-):
Normally, tik ein ex va, ia & ta poitt bihe nuden con ielg verb. Un exception esti ta, hat-yod id samo maynen quem id prev conditional in ia romanc bahsas ed “habiem, habiet + prev participe” in Sambahsa. Iti Richard Nixon :
Nekam Sambahsa, ia “wert-“verbs Elefens gweupe id tid ios tienjien wekwos
Id imperative, wa wehlforme ios verb, est aunmark. Differt ud id present wawod id subject est omiss. Id subject esiet normal-e tu au vos, yani el wohkwn anghen. Ta au ta ce poitte bihe nuden sei un subjecto tehrpti bihe inclus
Id negation iom verbs est id adverb no, preceddt-yod both id verb ed va, ia, ta:
Un participe est un verb nuden ka adjective au adverb. Verbs forme active participes in -nte, ed passivce participes in -da. Ta sont adjectives respective-ye equivalent ibs Sambahsa participes endend med ”-end” au med ”-t/-en”, ed poitte bihe nuden tant ka adjectives quem ka adverbs. Id active participe normal-ye also impliet un jinkdound action, menxu id passive participe suggest id action wakyit in id prev:
Id active participe ghehdt habe un object. Eti, ghehdt bihe nuden ka complement ei verb es kay expremes un progressive maynen.
Bet un participial construction est ops inutil, sontghi alya weidsa kay uperwehrte tod wekwos:
Id passive participe ghehdt bihe nuden ka complements iom verbs es au deveni, producend un passive maynen. Par (“ab”) introduct el agent uns passive action:
Un active jumla samt on au algun ka subject est ops un elegant alternative uni passive jumla.
Id active participe os es est esente.
Un transitive verb ghehdt bihe direct-ye sohkwn ab un nominal syntagme, samt neid preposition quod intervent. Un intransitive verb hat neid object. Mathalan:
Transitivitat est flexible in Elefen. Mathalan, sei yu addeihte un object pos un intransitive verb, id verbo bihti transitive. Id object correspondt semantic-ye id intransitive subject, ed id verb nunkye maynt “causet (id object) ad”
Id object uns transitive berb ghehdt bihe omisso sei to est evident ex id situation au id contexte:
Ielg finiht verb in Elefen dehlct habe un subject, hatta tik ka tormplehtor
In Sambahsa, poittmos habe neid subject her, bet Elefen dehlct nudes lo.
Sam-ye :
Ed, con id verb es, sei id subject est un pronomen (typic el/lo/los) sohkwt ab un relative clause, id druv subject poit bihe desplacen ei end ios jumla menxu “lo” inkapti tod jumla.
On ave deict id presence au existence os semject.
Elefen gnohti dwo weidsa os nudes ia verbs ka nomens : id infinitive ed id verbal nomen. Bo neude id verb aun modification.
Id infinitivce introduct un sontergenos os nominalo clause, kalt “infinitive clause”, quos maynen est kam un clause introducen ab ce. Id infinitive esti dar un verb, quod ghehdt bihe sohkwt ab sem adverbs ed un object, ed id negation “no” poitt precedde id. Important-ye, id ne acceptet subject ni deiker os tid au modus. Nu-ia-expremt id contexte.
Id communsto neud uns infinitive clause est ka object alyios verb. Ia subjects om bo verbs sont biadet ia sams, bet maghent ses different, kam in id exempel herender con proibi
Infinitives ops wehse pos prepositions, quer dar poittent accepte no pre se, ed adverbs ed un object pos se.
Punor, id verbal nomen est tik un nomen, est biht normal-ye precess ab “la” au alyo determinant. Id nomen denotet auter id jinkdousa ios verbal action, au ids fauric resultat. Ghehdt accepte adjectives, bet un preposition (daydey de) dehlct bihe nuden sei un object tehrpti bihe inclus.
Pro un verb kam ajunta, est pau difference inter un ajunta ed un ajuntada. Bet la traduida est id tienjien texte quetos la tradui bihti dught, ed “un crea” est id act os cree un creada. Id sabab est od -da semper se refert ei object. Pro crea, id object est idschi resultat ios action, bet pro tradui, id object ed id resultat sonti dwo different jects. Pro oik verbs, kam “dansa”, quer id object ed id action sont id sam, saygmos dansa, ne *dansada.
Un infinitive clause maght bihe nudt ka subject os un jumla:
Bet, in scripta textes, sei un infinitive clause est long, el leiser maghiet misprete id infinitive verb ka un wehlen, bariem esta el leist id magno verbo ios jumla. To ghehdt bihe vergiht changend-ye id infinitive do un verbal nomen addeihnd-ye la au alyo determinant pre id, we neudend-ye id plural.
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Lo ia es automatada jenerada de la paje corespondente en la Vici de Elefen a 12 otobre 2024 (16:16 UTC).