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Mostra ance la testo orijinal

Capitol 8: Reporta prima par Dr Watson

Chapter 8. First Report of Dr. Watson

Comensante de esta punto, me va segue la curso de avenis par transcrive mea propre leteras a Sr Sherlock Holmes cual reposa ante me sur la table. Un paje manca, ma en otra modos los es esata como scriveda, e mostra mea sentis e suspetas de la momento en modo plu fidosa ca mea memoria es capas de fa, an si lo es clar sur esta avenis trajedin.

From this point onward I will follow the course of events by transcribing my own letters to Mr. Sherlock Holmes which lie before me on the table. One page is missing, but otherwise they are exactly as written and show my feelings and suspicions of the moment more accurately than my memory, clear as it is upon these tragic events, can possibly do.

Cason Baskerville, 13 otobre.

Baskerville Hall, October 13th.



Mea leteras e telegrames presedente ia manteni bon tua corentia sur tota cual ia aveni en esta angulo de la mundo tan abandonada par Dio. Plu on resta asi, plu la spirito de la stepe afonda en la alma – sua vastia, e ance sua encanta sombre. Direta cuando on sorti sur la cor de lo, on lasa ja tota trasas de England moderna pos se, ma, a la otra lado, on es consensa en tota locas sur la abita e la labora de la popla preistorial. A tota lados de on, cuando on pasea, es la casas de esta persones oblidada, con sua tombas e la monolitos enorme par cual, longo la suposa, los ia marca sua templos. Regardante sua cabanas de petra gris contra la lados de la colinas manxada, on lasa sua propre eda pos se, e si on ta vide un om pelosa en vestes de pel ci emerji rampente de la porte basa, ponente un flexa con punto de silica a la corda de sua arco, on ta senti ce la presentia ala de el es plu natural ca sua propre. La cualia strana es ce esta persones ia abita tan densa sur lo cual ia es serta un tereno la plu nonfertil. Me no es esperta sur anticas, ma me pote imajina ce los ia es alga raza nongerosa e persegueda, obligada a aseta lo cual no otra popla ia vole ocupa.

My previous letters and telegrams have kept you pretty well up to date as to all that has occurred in this most God-forsaken corner of the world. The longer one stays here the more does the spirit of the moor sink into one’s soul, its vastness, and also its grim charm. When you are once out upon its bosom you have left all traces of modern England behind you, but, on the other hand, you are conscious everywhere of the homes and the work of the prehistoric people. On all sides of you as you walk are the houses of these forgotten folk, with their graves and the huge monoliths which are supposed to have marked their temples. As you look at their grey stone huts against the scarred hillsides you leave your own age behind you, and if you were to see a skin-clad, hairy man crawl out from the low door fitting a flint-tipped arrow on to the string of his bow, you would feel that his presence there was more natural than your own. The strange thing is that they should have lived so thickly on what must always have been most unfruitful soil. I am no antiquarian, but I could imagine that they were some unwarlike and harried race who were forced to accept that which none other would occupy.

Tota esta, an tal, es stranjer a la mision a cual tu ia envia me, e va es probable multe noninteresante a tua mente sever pratical. Me recorda ancora tua manca completa de interesa sur esce la sol move sirca la tera o la tera sirca la sol. Donce, ta ce me reveni a la fatos consernante Sir Henry Baskerville.

All this, however, is foreign to the mission on which you sent me and will probably be very uninteresting to your severely practical mind. I can still remember your complete indifference as to whether the sun moved round the earth or the earth round the sun. Let me, therefore, return to the facts concerning Sir Henry Baskerville.

Si tu ia reseta no reporta en la pico de dias pasada, esta es car asta oji me ia ave no cosa importante per descrive. A pos, un caso multe surprendente ia aveni, cual me va raconta a tu pos alga tempo. Ma, prima, me debe manteni tua contata con alga de la otra fatores en la situa.

If you have not had any report within the last few days it is because up to today there was nothing of importance to relate. Then a very surprising circumstance occurred, which I shall tell you in due course. But, first of all, I must keep you in touch with some of the other factors in the situation.

Un de estas, sur cual me ia dise poca, es la prisonida fujinte sur la stepe. On ave aora un motiva forte per crede ce el ia evade intera, lo cual es un lejeri considerable a la abitores solitar de esta distrito. Du semanas ia pasa pos sua fuji, e en esta tempo el no ia es videda e no cosa ia es oiada de el. Lo es serta nonconsetable ce el ia ta pote susta se sur la stepe tra tota acel tempo. Natural, cuanto pertine a sua asconde, tota no difisilia esiste. Cualce de esta cabanas de petra ta dona a el un asconderia. Ma no cosa es comable, estra si el ta catura e mata un de la oveas de stepe. Nos suposa, alora, ce el ia parti, e la cultivores sperdeda dormi plu bon par resulta.

One of these, concerning which I have said little, is the escaped convict upon the moor. There is strong reason now to believe that he has got right away, which is a considerable relief to the lonely householders of this district. A fortnight has passed since his flight, during which he has not been seen and nothing has been heard of him. It is surely inconceivable that he could have held out upon the moor during all that time. Of course, so far as his concealment goes there is no difficulty at all. Any one of these stone huts would give him a hiding-place. But there is nothing to eat unless he were to catch and slaughter one of the moor sheep. We think, therefore, that he has gone, and the outlying farmers sleep the better in consequence.

Nos es cuatro omes de corpo forte en esta casa, donce nos ta pote defende nos a bon grado, ma me confesa ce me ia esperia momentos noncuieta cuando me ia pensa a la Stapletones. Los abita a distantia grande de cualce aida. Los es un servor fema, un servor mas vea, la sore, e la frate, de ci la ultima no es un om multe forte. Los ta es nonpotente su controla de un om desperante como esta criminor de Notting Hill si mera el ta reali un entra. E Sir Henry e me ia es ansiosa sur sua situa, e on ia sujesta ce Perkins la stalor debe vade ala per dormi, ma Stapleton ia rejeta la proposa.

We are four able-bodied men in this household, so that we could take good care of ourselves, but I confess that I have had uneasy moments when I have thought of the Stapletons. They live miles from any help. There are one maid, an old manservant, the sister, and the brother, the latter not a very strong man. They would be helpless in the hands of a desperate fellow like this Notting Hill criminal if he could once effect an entrance. Both Sir Henry and I were concerned at their situation, and it was suggested that Perkins the groom should go over to sleep there, but Stapleton would not hear of it.

Lo es un fato ce nosa ami, la baroneta, comensa esibi un interesa notable a nosa visina encantante. Ta ce on no mervelia a lo, car la tempo pasa pesosa en esta loca isolida per un om ativa como el, e esta fem es multe fasinante e bela. El ave en se alga cualia tropical e esotica cual formi un contrasta strana a sua frate fria e nonemosiosa. Ma ance esta dona un pare de focos ascondeda. El ave serta un influe multe clar a sua sore, car me ia vide la regardetas constante a la frate par la sore en parla, como si la sore xerca aprobas per lo cual el dise. Me espera ce la frate condui jentil a el. La oios de la frate conteni un sintili seca e sua labios ave un forma firma cual acompania un natur positiva e cisa sever. Tu ta trova en el un studia interesante.

The fact is that our friend, the baronet, begins to display a considerable interest in our fair neighbour. It is not to be wondered at, for time hangs heavily in this lonely spot to an active man like him, and she is a very fascinating and beautiful woman. There is something tropical and exotic about her which forms a singular contrast to her cool and unemotional brother. Yet he also gives the idea of hidden fires. He has certainly a very marked influence over her, for I have seen her continually glance at him as she talked as if seeking approbation for what she said. I trust that he is kind to her. There is a dry glitter in his eyes and a firm set of his thin lips, which goes with a positive and possibly a harsh nature. You would find him an interesting study.

El ia veni per visita Baskerville en acel dia prima, e en la matina direta seguente el ia gida ambos de nos per mostra a nos la loca do on suposa ce la lejenda de la pecosa Hugo ia ave sua orijina. Lo ia es un escurso de alga cilometres traversante la stepe a un loca tan sombre ce lo ia ta pote sujesta la raconta. Nos ia trova un vale corta entre apicos ru e rocosa, cual ia vade a un spasio abrida e erbosa, manxetada par la erbas blanca cotonin. En media de lo, du petras grande ia leva, gastada e agida a sua finis alta asta aspeta como la dentones jigante e corodente de alga bestia monstrin. En cada manera lo ia coresponde a la sena de la trajedia vea. Sir Henry ia es multe interesada e ia demanda a Stapleton a plu ca un ves esce el crede vera ce la supranatural pote interfere en la atas umana. El ia parla lejera, ma lo ia es evidente ce el es vera multe seria. Stapleton ia fa respondes gardada, ma on ia vide fasil ce el dise min ca el pote, e ce el no vole espresa completa sua opina car el considera la sentis de la baroneta. El ia informa nos sur casos simil, cuando familias ia sufri de alga influe malvolente, e el ia lasa en nos la impresa ce el comparti la opina popular sur la tema.

He came over to call upon Baskerville on that first day, and the very next morning he took us both to show us the spot where the legend of the wicked Hugo is supposed to have had its origin. It was an excursion of some miles across the moor to a place which is so dismal that it might have suggested the story. We found a short valley between rugged tors which led to an open, grassy space flecked over with the white cotton grass. In the middle of it rose two great stones, worn and sharpened at the upper end until they looked like the huge corroding fangs of some monstrous beast. In every way it corresponded with the scene of the old tragedy. Sir Henry was much interested and asked Stapleton more than once whether he did really believe in the possibility of the interference of the supernatural in the affairs of men. He spoke lightly, but it was evident that he was very much in earnest. Stapleton was guarded in his replies, but it was easy to see that he said less than he might, and that he would not express his whole opinion out of consideration for the feelings of the baronet. He told us of similar cases, where families had suffered from some evil influence, and he left us with the impression that he shared the popular view upon the matter.

En nosa via de reveni, nos ia resta per come media en Casa Merripit, e esta ia es do Sir Henry ia encontra Sra Stapleton. De sua momento prima de vide la fem, el ia pare es forte atraeda par el, e me era multe si la senti no ia es mutua. Sempre denova el ia parla sur el cuando nos ia pasea a la cason, e pos alora apena un dia ia pasa cuando nos no ia vide alga la frate e sore. Los va come asi a esta sera, e on parla sur la idea ce nos va vade a los en la semana pasada. On ta imajina ce un tal duple ta es multe bonvenida par Stapleton, e an tal me ia persepi a plu ca un ves un espresa de desaproba la plu forte en sua fas cuando Sir Henry ia dirije alga atende a sua sore. El gusta multe sua sore, sin duta, e ta ave un vive solitar sin el, ma lo ta pare como la estrema de egosia si el ta impedi la via de sua sore a un sposi tan briliante. Ma me es serta ce la frate no desira ce la intimia de los maturi a ama, e me ia oserva a veses plural ce el ia atenta preveni ce los es privata con lunlotra. En pasa, tua instruis a me, ce me debe nunca permete ce Sir Henry sorti solitar, va deveni multe plu cargosa si un caso de ama va ajunta se a nosa otra difisiles. Mea popularia ta descrese pronto si me ta reali asoluta tua comandas.

On our way back we stayed for lunch at Merripit House, and it was there that Sir Henry made the acquaintance of Miss Stapleton. From the first moment that he saw her he appeared to be strongly attracted by her, and I am much mistaken if the feeling was not mutual. He referred to her again and again on our walk home, and since then hardly a day has passed that we have not seen something of the brother and sister. They dine here tonight, and there is some talk of our going to them next week. One would imagine that such a match would be very welcome to Stapleton, and yet I have more than once caught a look of the strongest disapprobation in his face when Sir Henry has been paying some attention to his sister. He is much attached to her, no doubt, and would lead a lonely life without her, but it would seem the height of selfishness if he were to stand in the way of her making so brilliant a marriage. Yet I am certain that he does not wish their intimacy to ripen into love, and I have several times observed that he has taken pains to prevent them from being tête-à-tête. By the way, your instructions to me never to allow Sir Henry to go out alone will become very much more onerous if a love affair were to be added to our other difficulties. My popularity would soon suffer if I were to carry out your orders to the letter.

Resente – jovedi, par dise plu esata — Dr Mortimer ia come media con nos. El ia escava un tumulo a Colina Longa e ia trova un cranio preistorial cual pleni el con joia grande. Nunca on ia ave un person tan zelosa e determinada como el! La Stapletones ia ariva a pos, e la bon dotor ia gida tota de nos a la rueta de taxos, solisitada par Sir Henry, per mostra a nos esata como tota ia aveni en acel note desastrosa. La rueta de taxos es un paseria longa e depresante entre du mures alta de sepe ordinada, con un banda streta de erba a cada lado. A la fini distante on ave un caseta de estate, vea e nonreparada. A media a longo es la porteta de stepe, do la senior vea ia lasa sua sene de sigar. Lo es un porteta de lenio blanca con un fisador. Ultra lo es la stepe vasta. Me ia recorda tua teoria de la caso e ia atenta imajina tota cual ia aveni. Cuando la om vea ia sta ala, el ia vide alga cosa veninte a traversa de la stepe, alga cosa par cual el ia es tan asustada ce el ia perde sua mente e ia core e core asta mori de sola teror e fatiga. Ala ia es la tunel longa e sombre longo cual el ia fuji. E de cual cosa? Un can de pastor de la stepe? O un fantasma de can, negra, silente e monstrin? Esce la caso ia envolve un ajente umana? Esce Barrymore, pal e vijilante, sabe plu ca el vole dise? Tota ia es nonclar e neblosa, ma sempre on ave la ombra oscur de crimin en la fondo.

The other day – Thursday, to be more exact – Dr. Mortimer lunched with us. He has been excavating a barrow at Long Down and has got a prehistoric skull which fills him with great joy. Never was there such a single-minded enthusiast as he! The Stapletons came in afterwards, and the good doctor took us all to the yew alley at Sir Henry’s request to show us exactly how everything occurred upon that fatal night. It is a long, dismal walk, the yew alley, between two high walls of clipped hedge, with a narrow band of grass upon either side. At the far end is an old tumble-down summer-house. Halfway down is the moor-gate, where the old gentleman left his cigar-ash. It is a white wooden gate with a latch. Beyond it lies the wide moor. I remembered your theory of the affair and tried to picture all that had occurred. As the old man stood there he saw something coming across the moor, something which terrified him so that he lost his wits and ran and ran until he died of sheer horror and exhaustion. There was the long, gloomy tunnel down which he fled. And from what? A sheep-dog of the moor? Or a spectral hound, black, silent, and monstrous? Was there a human agency in the matter? Did the pale, watchful Barrymore know more than he cared to say? It was all dim and vague, but always there is the dark shadow of crime behind it.

Me ia encontra un plu visina pos mea scrive la plu resente. Esta es Sr Frankland, de Cason Lafter, ci abita a sirca ses cilometres a sude de nos. El es un om vea, de fas roja, capelblanca e disputosa. Sua zelo pertine a la leges brites, e el ia spende un cuantia grande de mone en litiga. El combate mera per la plaser de combate, e es egal preparada per suporta esta o acel lado de un demanda, tal ce lo no es stonante ce el ia trova en lo un diverti custosa. A alga veses, el ia clui un vieta publica e ia defia la parocia a obliga ce el reabri lo. A otra veses, el ia rompe par sua propre manos la porteta de un otra person e ia declara ce un vieta esiste ja ala de tempo nonrecordable, defiante la posesor a litiga el per sua intrui. El es erudita sur diretos vea feudal e comunial, e el aplica sua sabes a veses favorente la viletanes de Bonfilis e a veses oposante los, tal ce periodal on o porta el como vinsor longo la strada de la vileta o arde un pupa de el, dependente de sua aventura ultima. On dise ce el prosede sirca sete litigas a presente, cual va engoli probable la resta de sua ricia e donce va neutri sua pica e va lasa el sin peril en la futur. Estra sur la leges, el pare un person jentil e bondisposada, e me nota el sola car tu ia spesifa ce me ta envia alga descrive de la persones en nosa ambiente. El es strana ocupada a presente, car, esente un amator de astronomia, el ave un telescopio eselente, con cual el reclina sur la teto de sua casa e esplora la stepe tra tota la dia, esperante videta la prisonida fujinte. Si el ta restrinje sua enerjia a esta, tota ta es bon, ma on ave rumores ce el intende litiga Dr Mortimer car el ia abri un tomba sin la acorda de la relatadas vivente cuando el ia escava la cranio neolitica en la tumulo sur Colina Longa. El aida preveni ce nosa vives deveni monotonosa, e furni un pico de lejeria comedial do lo es forte nesesada.

One other neighbour I have met since I wrote last. This is Mr. Frankland, of Lafter Hall, who lives some four miles to the south of us. He is an elderly man, red-faced, white-haired, and choleric. His passion is for the British law, and he has spent a large fortune in litigation. He fights for the mere pleasure of fighting and is equally ready to take up either side of a question, so that it is no wonder that he has found it a costly amusement. Sometimes he will shut up a right of way and defy the parish to make him open it. At others he will with his own hands tear down some other man’s gate and declare that a path has existed there from time immemorial, defying the owner to prosecute him for trespass. He is learned in old manorial and communal rights, and he applies his knowledge sometimes in favour of the villagers of Fernworthy and sometimes against them, so that he is periodically either carried in triumph down the village street or else burned in effigy, according to his latest exploit. He is said to have about seven lawsuits upon his hands at present, which will probably swallow up the remainder of his fortune and so draw his sting and leave him harmless for the future. Apart from the law he seems a kindly, good-natured person, and I only mention him because you were particular that I should send some description of the people who surround us. He is curiously employed at present, for, being an amateur astronomer, he has an excellent telescope, with which he lies upon the roof of his own house and sweeps the moor all day in the hope of catching a glimpse of the escaped convict. If he would confine his energies to this all would be well, but there are rumours that he intends to prosecute Dr. Mortimer for opening a grave without the consent of the next of kin because he dug up the Neolithic skull in the barrow on Long Down. He helps to keep our lives from being monotonous and gives a little comic relief where it is badly needed.

E aora, pos corenti tu a tema de la prisonida fujinte, la Stapletones, Dr Mortimer, e Frankland de Cason Lafter, ta ce me fini con lo cual importa la plu, racontante a tu plu sur la Barrymores, e spesial sur la developa surprendente de la note pasada.

And now, having brought you up to date in the escaped convict, the Stapletons, Dr. Mortimer, and Frankland, of Lafter Hall, let me end on that which is most important and tell you more about the Barrymores, and especially about the surprising development of last night.

Ante tota, sur la telegram probante cual tu ia envia de London per serti ce Barrymore es vera asi. Me ia esplica ja ce la atesta de la xef de posteria mostra ce la proba ia es sin valua e ce nos ave no demostras en un dirije o la otra. Me ia raconta la situa a Sir Henry, e el, en sua modo franca, ia clama direta Barrymore e ia demanda a el esce el mesma ia reseta la telegram.

First of all about the test telegram, which you sent from London in order to make sure that Barrymore was really here. I have already explained that the testimony of the postmaster shows that the test was worthless and that we have no proof one way or the other. I told Sir Henry how the matter stood, and he at once, in his downright fashion, had Barrymore up and asked him whether he had received the telegram himself.

Barrymore ia dise ce si.

Barrymore said that he had.

“Esce la xico ia trae lo a tua propre manos?” – Sir Henry ia demanda.

“Did the boy deliver it into your own hands?” asked Sir Henry.

Barrymore ia aspeta surprendeda e ia considera tra un pico de tempo.

Barrymore looked surprised, and considered for a little time.

“No,” – el ia dise – “me ia es en la suteto a acel tempo, e mea sposa ia porta lo a me.”

“No,” said he, “I was in the box-room at the time, and my wife brought it up to me.”

“Esce tu mesma ia responde a lo?”

“Did you answer it yourself?”

“Ne; me ia dise la responde a mea sposa, e el ia desende per scrive lo.”

“No; I told my wife what to answer and she went down to write it.”

En la sera el ia reveni a la tema par sua propre vole.

In the evening he recurred to the subject of his own accord.

“Me no ia comprende intera la ojeto de tua demandas a esta matina, Sir Henry.” – el ia dise. “Me espera ce los no sinifia ce me ia ata en cualce modo cual ia perde tua fida?”

“I could not quite understand the object of your questions this morning, Sir Henry,” said he. “I trust that they do not mean that I have done anything to forfeit your confidence?”

Sir Henry ia debe serti el ce lo no es tal e pasi el par dona a el un parte considerable de sua vestes vea, car aora tota sua vestes de London ia ariva.

Sir Henry had to assure him that it was not so and pacify him by giving him a considerable part of his old wardrobe, the London outfit having now all arrived.

Sra Barrymore interesa me. El es un person pesosa e solida, multe limitada, intensa respetable, e propensada a es moraliste. On ta pote apena imajina un person min emosiosa per studia. Ma me ia informa tu ce, en la note prima asi, me ia oia sua sanglotas amarga, e pos alora me ia oserva a plu ca un ves trasas de larmas sur sua fas. Alga tristia profonda rode nonsesante en sua cor. A veses me demanda a me esce el ave un recorda de culpa cual infesta el, e a veses me suspeta ce Barrymore es un tirano familial. Me ia senti sempre ce la carater de esta om conteni alga cosa strana e dutable, ma la aventura de la note pasada culmina tota mea suspetas.

Mrs. Barrymore is of interest to me. She is a heavy, solid person, very limited, intensely respectable, and inclined to be puritanical. You could hardly conceive a less emotional subject. Yet I have told you how, on the first night here, I heard her sobbing bitterly, and since then I have more than once observed traces of tears upon her face. Some deep sorrow gnaws ever at her heart. Sometimes I wonder if she has a guilty memory which haunts her, and sometimes I suspect Barrymore of being a domestic tyrant. I have always felt that there was something singular and questionable in this man’s character, but the adventure of last night brings all my suspicions to a head.

E an tal, lo mesma pare cisa un cosa trivial. Tu sabe ce me no dormi multe profonda, e de cuando me vijila en esta casa, mea dormi es plu lejera an ca a ante. En la note pasada, a sirca la ora du de matina, me ia es veliada par un paso furtiva pasante mea sala. Me ia leva, ia abri mea porte, e ia regardeta a estra. Un ombra longa e negra ia es movente longo la coredor. Lo ia es creada par un om ci pasea cuieta longo la pasaje con un candela tenida en mano. El ia es en camisa e pantalon, con pedes noncovreda. Me ia pote vide mera la contorno, ma sua altia ia informa me ce el es Barrymore. El ia pasea multe lenta e cauta, e sua aspeta intera ia ave un cualia nondescrivable suspetosa e furtiva.

And yet it may seem a small matter in itself. You are aware that I am not a very sound sleeper, and since I have been on guard in this house my slumbers have been lighter than ever. Last night, about two in the morning, I was aroused by a stealthy step passing my room. I rose, opened my door, and peeped out. A long black shadow was trailing down the corridor. It was thrown by a man who walked softly down the passage with a candle held in his hand. He was in shirt and trousers, with no covering to his feet. I could merely see the outline, but his height told me that it was Barrymore. He walked very slowly and circumspectly, and there was something indescribably guilty and furtive in his whole appearance.

Me ia dise ja a tu ce la coredor es interompeda par la balcon cual estende sirca la cason, ma ce lo recomensa a la otra lado. Me ia pausa asta cuando el ia pasa ultra vista e alora me ia segue el. Cuando me ia traversa la balcon, el ia ateni ja la fini de la coredor a ultra, e me ia pote vide de la sintili de lus tra un porte abrida ce el ia entra a un de la salas. Aora, tota esta salas es nonmobilida e nonocupada, donce sua viaja ia deveni an plu misteriosa. La lus ia brilia constante como si el sta sin move. Me ia vade lenta longo la coredor, con tan poca sona como posible, e ia regardeta ultra la angulo de la porte.

I have told you that the corridor is broken by the balcony which runs round the hall, but that it is resumed upon the farther side. I waited until he had passed out of sight and then I followed him. When I came round the balcony he had reached the end of the farther corridor, and I could see from the glimmer of light through an open door that he had entered one of the rooms. Now, all these rooms are unfurnished and unoccupied so that his expedition became more mysterious than ever. The light shone steadily as if he were standing motionless. I crept down the passage as noiselessly as I could and peeped round the corner of the door.

Barrymore ia acrupi a la fenetra con la candela tenida a la vitro. Sua profil ia es partal dirijeda a me, e sua fas ia pare es rijida con espeta tra cuando el fisa sua regarda a la negria de la stepe. Tra alga minutos el ia sta con regarda intensa. A pos, el ia fa un jemi profonda e con jesti nonpasiente el ia estingui la lus. Instante me ia resegue la via a mea sala, e pos multe corta la pasos furtiva ia veni pasante a ves nova en sua viaja de reveni. Multe plu tarda, cuando me ia adormi lejera, me ia oia la turna de un clave en un securador en alga loca, ma me no ia pote dise de do la sona veni. Me no pote divina la sinifia de tota esta, ma on ave alga ativia secreta cual aveni en esta casa de ombras e, tarda o temprana, nos va trova la esplica de lo. Me no disturba tu par mea teorias, car tu ia solisita ce me furni a tu mera fatos. Me ia fa un conversa longa con Sir Henry en esta matina, e nos ia formi un projeta de opera fundida sur mea oservas de la note pasada. Me no va descrive lo per la presente, ma suposable lo va fa ce mea reporta seguente es interesante per leje.

Barrymore was crouching at the window with the candle held against the glass. His profile was half turned towards me, and his face seemed to be rigid with expectation as he stared out into the blackness of the moor. For some minutes he stood watching intently. Then he gave a deep groan and with an impatient gesture he put out the light. Instantly I made my way back to my room, and very shortly came the stealthy steps passing once more upon their return journey. Long afterwards when I had fallen into a light sleep I heard a key turn somewhere in a lock, but I could not tell whence the sound came. What it all means I cannot guess, but there is some secret business going on in this house of gloom which sooner or later we shall get to the bottom of. I do not trouble you with my theories, for you asked me to furnish you only with facts. I have had a long talk with Sir Henry this morning, and we have made a plan of campaign founded upon my observations of last night. I will not speak about it just now, but it should make my next report interesting reading.

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