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Mostra ance la testo orijinal

Capitol 5: Tre filos rompeda

Chapter 5. Three Broken Threads

Sherlock Holmes ia ave, a grado multe notable, la capasia de desfisa sua mente a vole. Tra du oras, la conserna strana en cual nos ia es envolveda ia pare es oblidada, e el ia es intera asorbeda en la depintas de la mestres beljes moderna. El ia desira parla a no otra tema ca arte, sur cual el ia ave ideas la plu cru, de cuando nos ia parti de la galeria asta cuando nos ia trova nos a Otel Northumberland.

Sherlock Holmes had, in a very remarkable degree, the power of detaching his mind at will. For two hours the strange business in which we had been involved appeared to be forgotten, and he was entirely absorbed in the pictures of the modern Belgian masters. He would talk of nothing but art, of which he had the crudest ideas, from our leaving the gallery until we found ourselves at the Northumberland Hotel.

“Sir Henry Baskerville es a supra e espeta vos.” – la resetiste ia dise. “El ia demanda ce me gida vos a supra, direta pos vosa ariva.”

“Sir Henry Baskerville is upstairs expecting you,” said the clerk. “He asked me to show you up at once when you came.”

“Esce tu oposa ce me regarda tua libro de rejistra?” – Holmes ia dise.

“Have you any objection to my looking at your register?” said Holmes.

“An no pico.”

“Not in the least.”

La libro ia mostra ce du nomes ia es ajuntada pos lo de Baskerville. La un ia es Teophilus Johnson e familia, de Newcastle; la otra ia es S-ra Oldmore e servor de Lojia Alta, en Alton.

The book showed that two names had been added after that of Baskerville. One was Theophilus Johnson and family, of Newcastle; the other Mrs. Oldmore and maid, of High Lodge, Alton.

“Serta esta debe es la mesma Johnson ci me ia conose pasada.” – Holmes ia dise a la portor. “El es un avocato, no, de capeles gris, e pasea coxeante?”

“Surely that must be the same Johnson whom I used to know,” said Holmes to the porter. “A lawyer, is he not, grey-headed, and walks with a limp?”

“No, senior, esta es Sr Johnson, la posesor de carbon, un senior multe ativa, no plu vea ca tu mesma.”

“No, sir, this is Mr. Johnson, the coal-owner, a very active gentleman, not older than yourself.”

“Ma serta tu era sur sua comersia?”

“Surely you are mistaken about his trade?”

“No, senior! El ia usa esta otel tra multe anios, e el es multe bon conoseda a nos.”

“No, sir! he has used this hotel for many years, and he is very well known to us.”

“A, esta serti lo. Sra Oldmore, ance; me pare recorda la nom. Escusa mea curiosia, ma comun en visita un ami on trova un otra.”

“Ah, that settles it. Mrs. Oldmore, too; I seem to remember the name. Excuse my curiosity, but often in calling upon one friend one finds another.”

“El es descapasida par maladia, senior. Sua sposo ia es la maior de Gloucester a ves pasada. El veni sempre a nos cuando el es en la urbe.”

“She is an invalid lady, sir. Her husband was once mayor of Gloucester. She always comes to us when she is in town.”

“Grasias; me regrete ce me no pote declara conose el. Nos ia fundi un fato la plu importante par esta demandas, Watson.” – el ia continua en vose cuieta en cuando nos ia vade a supra en junta. “Nos sabe aora ce los ci es tan interesada a nosa ami no ia prende un sala en la propre otel de el. Esta sinifia ce, an si los es, como nos ia vide, multe desirante per oserva el, los es egal desirante ce el no ta vide los. Bon, esta es un fato la plu sujestante.”

“Thank you; I am afraid I cannot claim her acquaintance. We have established a most important fact by these questions, Watson,” he continued in a low voice as we went upstairs together. “We know now that the people who are so interested in our friend have not settled down in his own hotel. That means that while they are, as we have seen, very anxious to watch him, they are equally anxious that he should not see them. Now, this is a most suggestive fact.”

“Cual lo sujesta?”

“What does it suggest?”

“Lo sujesta – alo, mea cara bonom, cual de mundo es mal?”

“It suggests – halloa, my dear fellow, what on earth is the matter?”

Sircoveninte la culmina de la scalera, nos ia encontra subita Sir Henry Baskerville mesma. Sua fas ia es rojida par coleria, e el ia teni un bota vea e polvosa en un de sua manos. El ia furia tan ce el ia es apena capas de parla, e cuando el ia vosi vera, lo ia es en un dialeto multe plu forte e plu ueste ce cualce cual nos ia oia de el en la matina.

As we came round the top of the stairs we had run up against Sir Henry Baskerville himself. His face was flushed with anger, and he held an old and dusty boot in one of his hands. So furious was he that he was hardly articulate, and when he did speak it was in a much broader and more Western dialect than any which we had heard from him in the morning.

“Lo pare ce en esta otel on burla me como ganso enganable.” – el ia esclama. “Si on no atende, on va descovre ce on ia entra a marania con un xico noncabente. Tona de stona, si acel om no susede trova mea bota mancante, me va crea un turba. Me pote aseta un broma como persones la plu bon, Sr Holmes, ma a esta ves on ia suprapasa pico la blanco.”

“Seems to me they are playing me for a sucker in this hotel,” he cried. “They’ll find they’ve started in to monkey with the wrong man unless they are careful. By thunder, if that chap can’t find my missing boot there will be trouble. I can take a joke with the best, Mr. Holmes, but they’ve got a bit over the mark this time.”

“Tu xerca ancora tua bota?”

“Still looking for your boot?”

“Si, senior, e me intende trova lo.”

“Yes, sir, and mean to find it.”

“Ma, serta, tu ia dise ce lo es un bota nova e brun.”

“But, surely, you said that it was a new brown boot?”

“Tal lo ia es, senior. E aora lo es vea e negra.”

“So it was, sir. And now it’s an old black one.”

“Como! Tu no vole dise …?”

“What! you don’t mean to say—?”

“Me vole dise esata lo. Me ia ave sola tre duples en la mundo – la brunes nova, la negras vea, e los de cuoro vernisida, cual me porta. En la note ier, on ia prende un de mea brunes, e oji on ia fura un de la negras. Bon, esce tu ave lo? Parla, xico, e no sta regardante!”

“That’s just what I do mean to say. I only had three pairs in the world – the new brown, the old black, and the patent leathers, which I am wearing. Last night they took one of my brown ones, and today they have sneaked one of the black. Well, have you got it? Speak out, man, and don’t stand staring!”

Un servor deutx ajitada ia apare en la sena.

An agitated German waiter had appeared upon the scene.

“No, senior; me ia fa demandas tra tota la otel, ma me pote oia no cosa sur lo.”

“No, sir; I have made inquiry all over the hotel, but I can hear no word of it.”

“An tal, o acel bota va reveni ante la reposa de sol, o me va visita la manejor e dise a el ce me va parti direta instante de esta otel.”

“Well, either that boot comes back before sundown or I’ll see the manager and tell him that I go right straight out of this hotel.”

“Lo va es trovada, senior – Me promete a tu ce, si tu va teni un pico de pasientia, lo va es trovada.”

“It shall be found, sir – I promise you that if you will have a little patience it will be found.”

“Serti lo, car lo es mea poseseda final cual me intende perde en esta nido de furores. E bon, Sr Holmes, tu va escusa ce me disturba tu sur un cosa tan trivial —”

“Mind it is, for it’s the last thing of mine that I’ll lose in this den of thieves. Well, well, Mr. Holmes, you’ll excuse my troubling you about such a trifle—”

“Me opina ce lo merita multe ce on disturba se per lo.”

“I think it’s well worth troubling about.”

“He, tu aspeta multe seria a la tema.”

“Why, you look very serious over it.”

“Como tu esplica lo?”

“How do you explain it?”

“Me simple no atenta esplica lo. Lo pare la cosa la plu loco, la plu bizara cual ia aveni a me en la vive.”

“I just don’t attempt to explain it. It seems the very maddest, queerest thing that ever happened to me.”

“La plu bizara, cisa —” Holmes ia dise pensosa.

“The queerest perhaps—” said Holmes thoughtfully.

“Cual es tua propre opina sur lo?”

“What do you make of it yourself?”

“Bon, me ancora no reclama ce me comprende lo. Esta tua caso es multe complicada, Sir Henry. Regardante lo en relata con la mori de tua tio, me no es serta ce, entre tota la sincosento casos de importa enorme cual me ia trata, on ave un con afeta tan profonda. Ma nos teni filos plural en nosa manos, e lo es probable ce la un o la otra de los va gida nos a la fatos. Cisa nos va peri tempo en segue un filo erante, ma tarda o temprana nos va debe encontra la filo coreta.”

“Well, I don’t profess to understand it yet. This case of yours is very complex, Sir Henry. When taken in conjunction with your uncle’s death I am not sure that of all the five hundred cases of capital importance which I have handled there is one which cuts so deep. But we hold several threads in our hands, and the odds are that one or other of them guides us to the truth. We may waste time in following the wrong one, but sooner or later we must come upon the right.”

Nos ia fa un come media plasente en cual poca ia es diseda sur la conserna cual ia asembla nos. Ma en la salon privata a cual nos ia migra a pos, Holmes ia demanda a Baskerville cual es sua intendes.

We had a pleasant luncheon in which little was said of the business which had brought us together. It was in the private sitting-room to which we afterwards repaired that Holmes asked Baskerville what were his intentions.

“Me va vade a Cason Baskerville.”

“To go to Baskerville Hall.”

“E cuando?”

“And when?”

“A la fini de la semana.”

“At the end of the week.”

“Jeneral,” – Holmes ia dise – “me opina ce tua deside es saja. Me ave atestas bastante ce tu es spiada en London, e, entre la miliones de esta site grande, difisil es descovre ci es esta persones o cual pote es sua ojeto. Si sua intendes es malvolente, cisa los ta reali un mal ata contra tu, e nos ta es sin capasia de preveni lo. Tu no ia sabe, Dr Mortimer, ce tu ia es segueda a esta matina de mea casa?”

“On the whole,” said Holmes, “I think that your decision is a wise one. I have ample evidence that you are being dogged in London, and amid the millions of this great city it is difficult to discover who these people are or what their object can be. If their intentions are evil they might do you a mischief, and we should be powerless to prevent it. You did not know, Dr. Mortimer, that you were followed this morning from my house?”

Dr Mortimer ia salteta forte.

Dr. Mortimer started violently.

“Segueda! Par ci?”

“Followed! By whom?”

“Esta es, nonfortunosa, lo cual me no pote dise a tu. Esce tu ave entre tua visinas o conosedas sur Dartmoor cualce om con barba negra plen?”

“That, unfortunately, is what I cannot tell you. Have you among your neighbours or acquaintances on Dartmoor any man with a black, full beard?”

“No – ma ta ce me pensa – o! si. Barrymore, la servor xef de Sir Charles, es un om con barba negra plen.

“No – or, let me see – why, yes. Barrymore, Sir Charles’s butler, is a man with a full, black beard.”

“Ha! Do es Barrymore?”

“Ha! Where is Barrymore?”

“El maneja la Cason.”

“He is in charge of the Hall.”

“La plu bon, ta ce nos descovre esce el es vera ala, o si, par cualce modo posible, el es cisa en London.

“We had best ascertain if he is really there, or if by any possibility he might be in London.”

“Como tu pote fa esta?”

“How can you do that?”

“Dona a me un formulario de telegram. ‘Esce tota es preparada per Sir Henry?’ Esta va sufisi. Adirije lo a Sr Barrymore, Cason Baskerville. Cual ofisia de telegrafia es la plu prosima? Grimpen. Multe bon, nos va envia un telegram du a la xef de posteria en Grimpen: ‘Telegram a Sr Barrymore ta es direta donada a sua propre mano. Si asente, pf. retelegrafi a Sir Henry Baskerville, Otel Northumberland.’ Esta debe informa nos ante la sera esce Barrymore es a sua posto en Devon o no.”

“Give me a telegraph form. ‘Is all ready for Sir Henry?’ That will do. Address to Mr. Barrymore, Baskerville Hall. What is the nearest telegraph-office? Grimpen. Very good, we will send a second wire to the postmaster, Grimpen: ‘Telegram to Mr. Barrymore to be delivered into his own hand. If absent, please return wire to Sir Henry Baskerville, Northumberland Hotel.’ That should let us know before evening whether Barrymore is at his post in Devonshire or not.”

“Lo es tal.” – Baskerville ia dise. “En pasa, Dr Mortimer, ci es esta Barrymore, en fato?”

“That’s so,” said Baskerville. “By the way, Dr. Mortimer, who is this Barrymore, anyhow?”

“El es la fio de la mantenor vea, ci es mor. Los cura la Cason tra ja cuatro jeneras. Cuanto me sabe, el e sua sposa es un duple tan respetable como cualce en la contia.”

“He is the son of the old caretaker, who is dead. They have looked after the Hall for four generations now. So far as I know, he and his wife are as respectable a couple as any in the county.”

“A la mesma tempo,” – Baskerville ia dise – “lo es sufisinte clar ce, si nun de la familia ocupa la Cason, esta persones ave un casa forte bela e no taxes per fa.”

“At the same time,” said Baskerville, “it’s clear enough that so long as there are none of the family at the Hall these people have a mighty fine home and nothing to do.”

“Lo es vera.”

“That is true.”

“Esce Barrymore ia profita en cualce modo par la atesta final de Sir Charles?” – Holmes ia demanda.

“Did Barrymore profit at all by Sir Charles’s will?” asked Holmes.

“De el e sua sposa, cada ia gania sinco sento paundes.”

“He and his wife had five hundred pounds each.”

“Ha! Esce los ia sabe ce los va reseta esta?”

“Ha! Did they know that they would receive this?”

“Si; Sir Charles ia gusta multe parla sur la spesifas de sua atesta final.”

“Yes; Sir Charles was very fond of talking about the provisions of his will.”

“Esta es multe interesante.”

“That is very interesting.”

“Me espera” – Dr Mortimer ia dise – “ce tu no regarda tra oios suspetante cadun ci ia reseta un lega de Sir Charles, car mil paundes ia es asiniada ance a me.”

“I hope,” said Dr. Mortimer, “that you do not look with suspicious eyes upon everyone who received a legacy from Sir Charles, for I also had a thousand pounds left to me.”

“Vera! E a cualcun otra?”

“Indeed! And anyone else?”

“On ia ave multe donas nonimportante a individuas, e a un cuantia grande de asosias carital publica. Tota la resta ia vade a Sir Henry.”

“There were many insignificant sums to individuals, and a large number of public charities. The residue all went to Sir Henry.”

“E cuanto ia es la resta?”

“And how much was the residue?”

“Setesento-cuatrodes mil paundes.”

“Seven hundred and forty thousand pounds.”

Holmes ia leva sua suprasiles, surprendeda.

Holmes raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Me ia ave no suposa ce lo pertine a un cuantia tan jigante.”

“I had no idea that so gigantic a sum was involved,” said he.

“Sir Charles ia ave un reputa de ricia, ma nos no ia sabe cuanto estrema rica el ia es asta cuando nos ia comensa esamina sua finansias. La valua somada de la propria ia es prosima a milion.”

“Sir Charles had the reputation of being rich, but we did not know how very rich he was until we came to examine his securities. The total value of the estate was close on to a million.”

“Ai! Lo es un apostada per cual on ta risca cisa fa un jua perilosa. E un plu demanda, Dr Mortimer. Si cualce cosa ta aveni a nosa ami joven asi – vos ta pardona la ipotese nonplasente! – ci ta erita la propria?”

“Dear me! It is a stake for which a man might well play a desperate game. And one more question, Dr. Mortimer. Supposing that anything happened to our young friend here – you will forgive the unpleasant hypothesis! – who would inherit the estate?”

“Car Rodger Baskerville, la frate joven de Sir Charles, ia mori sin sposa, la propria ta pasa a la Desmondes, ci es sobrines nonprosima. James Desmond es un eglesor senesente en la contia Westmorland.”

“Since Rodger Baskerville, Sir Charles’s younger brother died unmarried, the estate would descend to the Desmonds, who are distant cousins. James Desmond is an elderly clergyman in Westmoreland.”

“Grasias. Tota esta detalias es multe interesante. Esce tu ia encontra Senior James Desmond?”

“Thank you. These details are all of great interest. Have you met Mr. James Desmond?”

“Si; el ia veni a un ves per visita Sir Charles. El es un om de aspeta profonda respetable e de vive virtuosa. Me recorda ce el ia refusa aseta cualce repaia de Sir Charles, an si lo ia es firma proposada a el.”

“Yes; he once came down to visit Sir Charles. He is a man of venerable appearance and of saintly life. I remember that he refused to accept any settlement from Sir Charles, though he pressed it upon him.”

“E esta om de gustas simple ta es la eritor de la miles de Sir Charles.”

“And this man of simple tastes would be the heir to Sir Charles’s thousands.”

“El ta es la eritor de la propria, car lo es nonalienable. El ta erita ance la mone, estra si esta ta es diferente asiniada par la posesor presente, ci pote, natural, trata lo seguente sua desira.”

“He would be the heir to the estate because that is entailed. He would also be the heir to the money unless it were willed otherwise by the present owner, who can, of course, do what he likes with it.”

“E esce tu ia scrive tua atesta final, Sir Henry?”

“And have you made your will, Sir Henry?”

“No, Sr Holmes, me no ia fa. Me ia ave no tempo, car sola ier me ia descovre la state de la situa. Ma an tal, me senti ce la mone debe acompania la titulo e propria. Esta ia es la idea de mea tio povre. Como la posesor va restora la glorias de la Baskervilles si el no ave mone sufisinte per manteni la imobila? Casa, tereno e dolares debe vade juntada.”

“No, Mr. Holmes, I have not. I’ve had no time, for it was only yesterday that I learned how matters stood. But in any case I feel that the money should go with the title and estate. That was my poor uncle’s idea. How is the owner going to restore the glories of the Baskervilles if he has not money enough to keep up the property? House, land, and dollars must go together.”

“Esata tal. Bon, Sir Henry, me comparti tua opina ce lo es recomendable ce tu viaja a Devon sin pospone. Me debe spesifa sola un restrinje. Tu debe serta no viaja sola.”

“Quite so. Well, Sir Henry, I am of one mind with you as to the advisability of your going down to Devonshire without delay. There is only one provision which I must make. You certainly must not go alone.”

“Dr Mortimer va reveni con me.”

“Dr. Mortimer returns with me.”

“Ma Dr Mortimer debe labora a sua posto medical, e sua casa es a alga cilometres de la tua. An con tota la bonvole de la mundo, cisa el no va pote aida tu. No, Sir Henry, tu debe prende con tu algun, un om fidable, ci va es sempre a tua lado.”

“But Dr. Mortimer has his practice to attend to, and his house is miles away from yours. With all the goodwill in the world he may be unable to help you. No, Sir Henry, you must take with you someone, a trusty man, who will be always by your side.”

“Esce lo es posible ce tu mesma ta pote veni, Sr Holmes?”

“Is it possible that you could come yourself, Mr. Holmes?”

“Si la situa ta veni a un punto de crise, me ta atenta es personal presente; ma tu pote comprende ce, con mea labora estendosa de consultas e con la apelas constante cual ateni me de multe locas, lo es nonposible ce me ta es asente de London per un tempo nondefinida. A la momento presente, un de la nomes la plu onorada en England deveni susida par un estorsor, e sola me pote preveni un scandal desastrosa. Tu va vide como nonposible lo es ce me ta vade a Dartmoor.”

“If matters came to a crisis I should endeavour to be present in person; but you can understand that, with my extensive consulting practice and with the constant appeals which reach me from many quarters, it is impossible for me to be absent from London for an indefinite time. At the present instant one of the most revered names in England is being besmirched by a blackmailer, and only I can stop a disastrous scandal. You will see how impossible it is for me to go to Dartmoor.”

“Ci tu ta recomenda, alora?”

“Whom would you recommend, then?”

Holmes ia pone sua mano sur mea braso.

Holmes laid his hand upon my arm.

“Si mea ami ta emprende lo, no om esiste ci es plu bon valuada a lado de on cuando on trova se en un situa difisil. Nun pote dise esta con plu fida ca me.”

“If my friend would undertake it there is no man who is better worth having at your side when you are in a tight place. No one can say so more confidently than I.”

Me ia es completa surprendeda par la proposa, ma ante cuando me ia ave tempo per responde, Baskerville ia saisi mea mano e ia torse enerjiosa lo.

The proposition took me completely by surprise, but before I had time to answer, Baskerville seized me by the hand and wrung it heartily.

“Bon, aora, esta es tota jentil par tu, Dr Watson.” – el ia dise. “Tu vide mea situa, e tu sabe esata tan multe sur la conserna como me. Si tu va viaja a Cason Baskerville per suporta me, me va oblida nunca lo.”

“Well, now, that is real kind of you, Dr. Watson,” said he. “You see how it is with me, and you know just as much about the matter as I do. If you will come down to Baskerville Hall and see me through I’ll never forget it.”

La sujesta de aventura ia fasina sempre me, e me ia senti lodada par la parolas de Holmes e par la zelo con cual la baroneta ia saluta me como acompanior.

The promise of adventure had always a fascination for me, and I was complimented by the words of Holmes and by the eagerness with which the baronet hailed me as a companion.

“Me va veni, con plaser.” – me ia dise. “Me no sabe como me ta pote usa plu bon mea tempo.”

“I will come, with pleasure,” said I. “I do not know how I could employ my time better.”

“E tu va reporta multe atendosa a me.” – Holmes ia dise. “Cuando un crise va aveni, e lo va aveni serta, me va dirije como tu debe ata. Me suposa ce tota pote es ja preparada ante saturdi?”

“And you will report very carefully to me,” said Holmes. “When a crisis comes, as it will do, I will direct how you shall act. I suppose that by Saturday all might be ready?”

“Esce esta ta conveni a Dr Watson?”

“Would that suit Dr. Watson?”



“Donce a saturdi, estra si tu va oia a contra, nos va encontra a la tren a un dui pos des de Stasion Paddington.”

“Then on Saturday, unless you hear to the contrary, we shall meet at the ten-thirty train from Paddington.”

Nos ia sta ja per parti cuando Baskerville ia fa un cria de vinse, e tufante a un de la angulos de la sala, el ia estrae un bota brun de su un armario.

We had risen to depart when Baskerville gave a cry of triumph, and diving into one of the corners of the room he drew a brown boot from under a cabinet.

“Mea bota mancante!” – el ia esclama.

“My missing boot!” he cried.

“Ta ce tota nosa difisiles desapare tan fasil!” – Sherlock Holmes ia dise.

“May all our difficulties vanish as easily!” said Sherlock Holmes.

“Ma esta es un cosa multe strana.” – Dr Mortimer ia comenta. “Me ia xerca esta atendosa sala ante la come media.”

“But it is a very singular thing,” Dr. Mortimer remarked. “I searched this room carefully before lunch.”

“Como ance me.” – Baskerville ia dise. “Cada peseta de lo.”

“And so did I,” said Baskerville. “Every inch of it.”

“Lo ia conteni serta no bota alora.”

“There was certainly no boot in it then.”

“Si tal, probable la servor ia pone lo ala cuando nos ia come.”

“In that case the waiter must have placed it there while we were lunching.”

La deutx ia es venida, ma ia declara ce el sabe no cosa a la tema, e ce ance no investiga ia pote solve lo. Un plu article ia es ajuntada a acel serie constante e parente nonrazonada de misterios peti cual ia segue tan rapida lunlotra. Iniorante tota la raconta macabre sur la mori de Sir Charles, nos ia ave un filo de avenis nonesplicable, tota entre la limitas de du dias, cual ia inclui la reseta de la letera primida, la spior de barba negra en la taxi-caro, la perde de la bota nova brun, la perde de la bota vea negra, e aora la reveni de la bota nova brun. Holmes ia senta silente en la caro cuando nos ia reviaja a Strada Baker, e me ia sabe par sua fronte pliada e fas zelosa ce sua mente, como la mea, ia es ocupada en atenta construi alga scema en cual on ta pote cabe tota esta episodios strana e parente nonrelatada. Tra tota la posmedia asta la tarda de la sera, el ia senta perdeda en tabaco e pensas.

The German was sent for but professed to know nothing of the matter, nor could any inquiry clear it up. Another item had been added to that constant and apparently purposeless series of small mysteries which had succeeded each other so rapidly. Setting aside the whole grim story of Sir Charles’s death, we had a line of inexplicable incidents all within the limits of two days, which included the receipt of the printed letter, the black-bearded spy in the hansom, the loss of the new brown boot, the loss of the old black boot, and now the return of the new brown boot. Holmes sat in silence in the cab as we drove back to Baker Street, and I knew from his drawn brows and keen face that his mind, like my own, was busy in endeavouring to frame some scheme into which all these strange and apparently disconnected episodes could be fitted. All afternoon and late into the evening he sat lost in tobacco and thought.

Direta ante la come de sera, du telegrames ia es traeda. La prima ia dise:

Just before dinner two telegrams were handed in. The first ran:

Veni de oia ce Barrymore es a la Cason. BASKERVILLE.
Have just heard that Barrymore is at the Hall. BASKERVILLE.

La otra:

The second:

Ia visita dudes-tre oteles como dirijeda, ma regrete reporta ce no pote trova folia taliada de Times. CARTER.
Visited twenty-three hotels as directed, but sorry to report unable to trace cut sheet of Times. CARTWRIGHT.

“Aora du de mea filos es rompeda, Watson. No cosa es plu stimulante ca un caso en cual on es oposada par tota cosas. Nos debe esplora sirca nos per un trasa nova.”

“There go two of my threads, Watson. There is nothing more stimulating than a case where everything goes against you. We must cast round for another scent.”

“Nos ave ancora la taxiste ci ia porta la spior.”

“We have still the cabman who drove the spy.”

“Esata. Me ia telegrafi per oteni sua nom e adirije de la Cataloga Ofisial. Me no va es surprendeda si esta va es la responde a mea demanda.”

“Exactly. I have wired to get his name and address from the Official Registry. I should not be surprised if this were an answer to my question.”

La sona de la campaneta ia revela se como un cosa an plu sasiante ca un responde, an tal, car la porte ia abri e un om de aspeta bruta ia entra, evidente la taxiste mesma.

The ring at the bell proved to be something even more satisfactory than an answer, however, for the door opened and a rough-looking fellow entered who was evidently the man himself.

“Me ia reseta un mesaje de la ofisia xef ce un senior a esta adirije ia demanda sur numero 2704.” – el ia dise. “Me gida mea caro ja tra sete anios, con nunca un parola cexante. Me ia veni direta asi de la careria per demanda, a tua fas, cual tu ave contra me.”

“I got a message from the head office that a gent at this address had been inquiring for No. 2704,” said he. “I’ve driven my cab this seven years and never a word of complaint. I came here straight from the Yard to ask you to your face what you had against me.”

“Me ave no cosa de mundo contra tu, mea bonom.” – Holmes ia dise. “Par contrasta, me ave un duipaund per tu si tu va dona a me un responde clar a mea demandas.”

“I have nothing in the world against you, my good man,” said Holmes. “On the contrary, I have half a sovereign for you if you will give me a clear answer to my questions.”

“He, me ia pasa un bon dia, en fato serta.” – la taxiste ia dise con surion. “Cual tu ia desira demanda, senior?”

“Well, I’ve had a good day and no mistake,” said the cabman with a grin. “What was it you wanted to ask, sir?”

“Prima de tota, tua nom e adirije, per caso ce me va nesesa denova tu.”

“First of all your name and address, in case I want you again.”

“John Clayton, 3 Strada Turpey, la Munisipa. Mea caro veni de Careria Shipley, prosima a Stasion Waterloo.”

“John Clayton, 3 Turpey Street, the Borough. My cab is out of Shipley’s Yard, near Waterloo Station.”

Sherlock Holmes ia fa un nota de lo.

Sherlock Holmes made a note of it.

“Aora, Clayton, dise tota a me sur la cliente ci ia veni per oserva esta casa a la ora des de esta matina e ia segue la du seniores longo Strada Regent a pos.”

“Now, Clayton, tell me all about the fare who came and watched this house at ten o’clock this morning and afterwards followed the two gentlemen down Regent Street.”

La om ia aspeta surprendeda e pico embarasada.

The man looked surprised and a little embarrassed.

“He, me no nesesa informa tu, car tu pare sabe tan multe como me ja.” – el ia dise. “La vera es ce la senior ia informa me ce el es un detetor e ce me debe dise no cosa sur el a cualce person.”

“Why, there’s no good my telling you things, for you seem to know as much as I do already,” said he. “The truth is that the gentleman told me that he was a detective and that I was to say nothing about him to anyone.”

“Mea bonom; esta es un conserna multe grave, e cisa tu va trova tu en un situa alga mal si tu atenta asconde cualce cosa de me. Tu dise ce tua cliente ia informa tu ce el es un detetor?”

“My good fellow; this is a very serious business, and you may find yourself in a pretty bad position if you try to hide anything from me. You say that your fare told you that he was a detective?”

“Si, tal.”

“Yes, he did.”

“Cuando el ia dise esta?”

“When did he say this?”

“Cuando el ia parti de me.”

“When he left me.”

“Esce el ia dise cualce otra cosa?”

“Did he say anything more?”

“El ia vosi sua nom.”

“He mentioned his name.”

Holmes ia lansa a me un regarda rapida de vinse.

Holmes cast a swift glance of triumph at me.

“O, el ia vosi sua nom, si? Acel ia es noncauta. Cual ia es la nom vosida?”

“Oh, he mentioned his name, did he? That was imprudent. What was the name that he mentioned?”

“Sua nom” – la taxiste ia dise – “ia es Senior Sherlock Holmes.”

“His name,” said the cabman, “was Mr. Sherlock Holmes.”

Nunca me ia vide mea ami plu completa surprendeda ca par la responde de la taxiste. Per un instante el ia senta silente stonada. A pos, el ia esplode con rie zelosa.

Never have I seen my friend more completely taken aback than by the cabman’s reply. For an instant he sat in silent amazement. Then he burst into a hearty laugh.

“Tocada, Watson – nonegable tocada!” el ia dise. “Me sensa un epe tan rapida e flexable como la mea. El ia susede multe bela colpa me a esta ves. Donce sua nom ia es Sherlock Holmes, si?”

“A touch, Watson – an undeniable touch!” said he. “I feel a foil as quick and supple as my own. He got home upon me very prettily that time. So his name was Sherlock Holmes, was it?”

“Si, senior, esta ia es la nom de la senior.”

“Yes, sir, that was the gentleman’s name.”

“Eselente! Dise a me do tu ia aseta el e tota cual ia aveni.”

“Excellent! Tell me where you picked him up and all that occurred.”

“El ia clama me a un dui pos nove en Plaza Trafalgar. El ia dise ce el es un detetor, e el ia ofre a me cuatrodes xilinges si me va fa esata lo cual el esije tra tota la dia, sin fa demandas. Me ia acorda plen contente. Prima, nos ia viaja asta Otel Northumberland e ia espeta ala asta cuando du seniores ia emerji e ia lua un caro de la filo. Nos ia segue sua caro asta cuando lo ia para en un loca prosima a asi.”

“He hailed me at half-past nine in Trafalgar Square. He said that he was a detective, and he offered me two guineas if I would do exactly what he wanted all day and ask no questions. I was glad enough to agree. First we drove down to the Northumberland Hotel and waited there until two gentlemen came out and took a cab from the rank. We followed their cab until it pulled up somewhere near here.”

“Esta porte mesma.” – Holmes ia dise.

“This very door,” said Holmes.

“Bon, me no ia pote es serta sur acel, ma me osa dise ce mea cliente ia sabe la detalias. Nos ia para a distantia corta sur la strada e ia espeta tra un ora e un dui. Alora la du seniores ia pasa nos, paseante, e nos ia segue longo Strada Baker e longo —”

“Well, I couldn’t be sure of that, but I dare say my fare knew all about it. We pulled up halfway down the street and waited an hour and a half. Then the two gentlemen passed us, walking, and we followed down Baker Street and along—”

“Me sabe.” – Holmes ia dise.

“I know,” said Holmes.

“Asta pasa tra tre cuatris de Strada Regent. Alora mea senior ia abri subita la porte de teto, e el ia cria ce me ta viaja sin pausa a Stasion Waterloo, tan rapida como posible. Me ia flajeli la cavalo e nos ia ariva ala pos min ca des minutos. Alora el ia paia sua cuatrodes xilinges, como un bon om, e el ia vade a via en la stasion. Ma a sua momento de parti, el ia turna e el ia dise: ‘Cisa lo va interesa tu ce tu ia porta Senior Sherlock Holmes.’ Tal lo ia aveni ce me sabe la nom.”

“Until we got three-quarters down Regent Street. Then my gentleman threw up the trap, and he cried that I should drive right away to Waterloo Station as hard as I could go. I whipped up the mare and we were there under the ten minutes. Then he paid up his two guineas, like a good one, and away he went into the station. Only just as he was leaving he turned round and he said: ‘It might interest you to know that you have been driving Mr. Sherlock Holmes.’ That’s how I come to know the name.”

“Me comprende. E tu ia vide el no plu?”

“I see. And you saw no more of him?”

“No pos cuando el ia entra a la stasion.”

“Not after he went into the station.”

“E como tu ta descrive Senior Sherlock Holmes?”

“And how would you describe Mr. Sherlock Holmes?”

La taxiste ia rasca sua testa.

The cabman scratched his head.

“Bon, en fato, el no ia es un senior multe fasil per descrive. Me ta judi sua eda como cuatrodes anios, e el ia es de altia media, plu corta ca tu, senior, par du o tre ditones. El ia es vestida como un nobil, e el ia ave un barba negra, retangulo taliada a su, e un fas pal. Me no sabe ce me pote dise plu ca esta.”

“Well, he wasn’t altogether such an easy gentleman to describe. I’d put him at forty years of age, and he was of a middle height, two or three inches shorter than you, sir. He was dressed like a toff, and he had a black beard, cut square at the end, and a pale face. I don’t know as I could say more than that.”

“Color de sua oios?”

“Colour of his eyes?”

“No, me no pote dise lo.”

“No, I can’t say that.”

“Tu pote recorda no plu detalias?”

“Nothing more that you can remember?”

“No, senior; no cosa.”

“No, sir; nothing.”

“Bon, donce asi es tua duipaund. Un plu va espeta tu si tu pote trae cualce plu informa. Bon note!”

“Well, then, here is your half-sovereign. There’s another one waiting for you if you can bring any more information. Good-night!”

“Bon note, senior, e grasias!”

“Good-night, sir, and thank you!”

John Clayton ia parti cacaretante, e Holmes ia turna a me con un leva de sua spalas e un surie regretosa.

John Clayton departed chuckling, and Holmes turned to me with a shrug of his shoulders and a rueful smile.

“Crac a nosa filo tre, e nos fini do nos ia comensa.” – el ia dise. “Un vil tan rusosa! El ia sabe nosa numero, ia sabe ce Sir Henry Baskerville ia consulta me, ia reconose ci me es en Strada Regent, ia divina ce me ia nota la numero de la caro e va spini la taxiste, e donce ia reenvia esta mesaje osante. Me dise a tu, Watson, a esta ves, nos ave un antagoniste ci merita nosa scrima. On ia xacemata me en London. Me pote sola desira a tu fortunas plu bon en Devon. Ma mea mente no es comfortosa en relata.”

“Snap goes our third thread, and we end where we began,” said he. “The cunning rascal! He knew our number, knew that Sir Henry Baskerville had consulted me, spotted who I was in Regent Street, conjectured that I had got the number of the cab and would lay my hands on the driver, and so sent back this audacious message. I tell you, Watson, this time we have got a foeman who is worthy of our steel. I’ve been checkmated in London. I can only wish you better luck in Devonshire. But I’m not easy in my mind about it.”

“En relata con cual?”

“About what?”

“Ce me envia tu. Lo es un situa fea, Watson, un situa fea e perilosa, e plu me vide lo, min me gusta lo. Si, mea cara bonom, cisa tu rie, ma me serti a tu ce me va es multe felisida par reave tu secur e sana en Strada Baker denova.”

“About sending you. It’s an ugly business, Watson, an ugly dangerous business, and the more I see of it the less I like it. Yes, my dear fellow, you may laugh, but I give you my word that I shall be very glad to have you back safe and sound in Baker Street once more.”

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