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Letera oto

Letter VIII

La umana es, sin duta, la fol la plu interesante en esiste. Ance la plu strana. El no ave un sola lege scriveda, en sua Biblia o estra el, cual ave cualce otra ce un razona e intende - per limita o defeta la lege de Dio.

Man is without any doubt the most interesting fool there is. Also the most eccentric. He hasn’t a single written law, in his Bible or out of it, which has any but just one purpose and intention – to limit or defeat the law of God.

El pote rara prende un fato simple e deriva cualce otra ce un sinifia falsa de el. El no pote para esta; es la modo en cual la confusa ce el nomi sua mente es construida. Considera la cosas a cual el sede, e la concluis curios ce el estrae de los.

He can seldom take a plain fact and get any but a wrong meaning out of it. He cannot help this; it is the way the confusion he calls his mind is constructed. Consider the things he concedes, and the curious conclusions he draws from them.

Per esemplo, el sede ce Dio ia crea umania. Ia crea el sin la desira ce umanas ave per relatas legal.

For instance, he concedes that God made man. Made him without man’s desire of privity.

Esta pare, franca e nondisputable, fa ce Dio, e sola Dio, es culpable per la atas de umanas. Ma la umana nega esta.

This seems to plainly and indisputably make God, and God alone, responsible for man’s acts. But man denies this.

El sede ce Dio ia crea perfeta la anjeles, sin manxa, e imune de dole e moria, e ce el ta pote es simil compatos a umania si el ia desira, ma el nega ce Dio ia ave cualce obliga moral per fa esta.

He concedes that God has made the angels perfect, without blemish, and immune from pain and death, and that he could have been similarly kind to man if he had wanted to, but denies that he was under any moral obligation to do it.

El sede ce umanas no ave la direto moral per aplica crueles varios, maladias dolos, e moria a sua enfante propre, ma el refusa limita la vantajes de Dio en esta modo con sua enfantes propre.

He concedes that man has no moral right to visit the child of his begetting with wanton cruelties, painful diseases and death, but refuses to limit God’s privileges in this sort with the children of his begetting.

La Biblia e la leges de umanas proibi omiside, adultera, promiscua, menti, tradosia, fura, opressa, e otra crimines, ma razona ce Dio es libre de esta leges e ave la direto per rompe los cuando el vole.

The Bible and man’s statutes forbid murder, adultery, fornication, lying, treachery, robbery, oppression and other crimes, but contend that God is free of these laws and has a right to break them when he will.

El sede ce Dio dona a cada umana sua tempera, sua disposa, a sua nase; el sede ce un umana no pote cambia sua tempera par cualce prosede, ma debe resta sempre sur sua domina. Ma si la tempera de un om es plen de emosias asustante, e el de un otra es vacua de los, es coreta e razonos per puni la un per sua crimines, e compensa la otra per asteni de crimin.

He concedes that God gives to each man his temperament, his disposition, at birth; he concedes that man cannot by any process change this temperament, but must remain always under its dominion. Yet if it be full of dreadful passions, in one man’s case, and barren of them in another man’s, it is right and rational to punish the one for his crimes, and reward the other for abstaining from crime.

Ala - ta ce nos considera esta curiosias.

There – let us consider these curiosities.

Tempera (Disposa)

Temperament (Disposition)

Vide du estremas de tempera - la capra e la tortuga.

Take two extremes of temperament – the goat and the tortoise.

Nun de esta viventes crea sua tempera propre, ma nase con el, como umanas, e pote no plu cambia el ce umanas pote.

Neither of these creatures makes its own temperament, but is born with it, like man, and can no more change it than can man.

Tempera es la lege de Dio scriveda en la cor de cada vivente par la mano de Dio se mesma, a debe es obedi, e va es obedi an con tota leges restrinjente o proibinte, cualce fonte de cual los emerji.

Temperament is the law of God written in the heart of every creature by God’s own hand, and must be obeyed, and will be obeyed in spite of all restricting or forbidding statutes, let them emanate whence they may.

E bon, libido es la cualia plu dominante de la tempera de la capra, la lege de Dio es en sua cor, e el debe obedi el e va obedi el per la dia intera en la saison de desira sesal, sin sesa per come o bevi. Si la Biblia ia dise a la capra - “Tu no ta adulta” - an umanes, con sua testas de sava, ta reconose la folia de la proibi, e ta permete ce la capra no debe es punida per la obedi de la lege de sua Creor. Ma el pensa ce el es coreta e justa ce umanas ta debe adere a esta proibi. Tota umanas. Tota la mesma.

Very well, lust is the dominant feature of the goat’s temperament, the law of God is in its heart, and it must obey it and will obey it the whole day long in the rutting season, without stopping to eat or drink. If the Bible said to the goat, “Thou shalt not fornicate, thou shalt not commit adultery,” even Man – sap-headed man – would recognize the foolishness of the prohibition, and would grant that the goat ought not to be punished for obeying the law of his Maker. Yet he thinks it right and just that man should be put under the prohibition. All men. All alike.

A la surfas, esta es stupida, car, par tempera, cual es la lege real de Dio, multe omes es capras e no pote preveni sua adultera cuando el reseta un oportun; ma ave alga omes ci, par tempera, pote reteni sua puria e lasa un oportun cade si la fem no es atraos. Ma la Biblia no permete adultera en cualce caso, esce un person pote preveni el o no. El no permete un distingui entre la capra e la tortuga - la capra stimulable, la capra emosios, ci nesesa alga adultera cada dia o el va pali e mori; e la tortuga, esta puritan fria e calma, ci prende un regala sola un ves en du anios, e alora deveni dorminte en la media de la ata e no velia per sesdes dias. No capra fema es secur de atacas criminal, an a la dia santa, cuando ave un capra mas en tre milias su la vento de el e no cosa en la via ma un sepe des-cuatro pedes de altia; par contraste, no la tortuga mas e no la tortuga fema es a cualce ora sufisinte fame per la joias seria de promiscua per es volente de viola la dia santa per prende los. Alora, seguente la razona curios de umanas, la capra ia gania la puni, e la tortuga ia gania la loda.

On its face this is stupid, for, by temperament, which is the real law of God, many men are goats and can’t help committing adultery when they get a chance; whereas there are numbers of men who, by temperament, can keep their purity and let an opportunity go by if the woman lacks in attractiveness. But the Bible doesn’t allow adultery at all, whether a person can help it or not. It allows no distinction between goat and tortoise – the excitable goat, the emotional goat, that has to have some adultery every day or fade and die; and the tortoise, that cold calm puritan, that takes a treat only once in two years and then goes to sleep in the midst of it and doesn’t wake up for sixty days. No lady goat is safe from criminal assault, even on the Sabbath Day, when there is a gentleman goat within three miles to leeward of her and nothing in the way but a fence fourteen feet high, whereas neither the gentleman tortoise nor the lady tortoise is ever hungry enough for solemn joys of fornication to be willing to break the Sabbath to get them. Now according to man’s curious reasoning, the goat has earned punishment, and the tortoise praise.

“Tu no ta adultera” es un comanda cual no distingui entre la persones seguente. Tota de los es obligada obedi el:

“Thou shalt not commit adultery” is a command which makes no distinction between the following persons. They are all required to obey it:

Enfantes a sua nase.
Enfantes en la cuna.
Enfantes en scola.
Virjines joven, mas e fema.
Adultas nova.
Adultas plu vea.
Omes e Femes de 40 anios de eda.
De 50.
De 60.
De 70.
De 80.
De 90.
De 100.

Children at birth.
Children in the cradle.
School children.
Youths and maidens.
Fresh adults.
Older ones.
Men and women of 40.
Of 50.
Of 60.
Of 70.
Of 80.
Of 90.
Of 100.

Esta comanda no distribui egal sua carga, e no pote.

The command does not distribute its burden equally, and cannot.

El no es difisil per la tre grupos de enfantes.

It is not hard upon the three sets of children.

El es difisil - plu difisil - e denova plu difisil per la tre grupos seguente - difisil e cruel.

It is hard – harder – still harder upon the next three sets – cruelly hard.

El es bondiseda molida per la tre grupos seguente.

It is blessedly softened to the next three sets.

El ia fa aora tota la dana el pote, e ta es no plu nesesada. Ma con folia comica, el continua, e la cuatro states restante es poneda su sua proibi crasente. Esta ruinas vea, los no pote desobedi si los ta atenta. E pensa - car los restrinje santos se mesma de adultera la un la otra, los reseta lodas! Esta es asurda; car an la Biblia sabe sufisinte ce, si la veteran la plu vea ta pote regania sua apico perdeda denova per un ora, el ta lansa esta comanda a la ventos e ruina la fem prima ce el trova, an si el ta es un stranjer completa.

It has now done all the damage it can, and might as well be put out of commission. Yet with comical imbecility it is continued, and the four remaining estates are put under its crushing ban. Poor old wrecks, they couldn’t disobey if they tried. And think – because they holily refrain from adulterating each other, they get praise for it! Which is nonsense; for even the Bible knows enough to know that if the oldest veteran there could get his lost heyday back again for an hour he would cast that commandment to the winds and ruin the first woman he came across, even though she were an entire stranger.

Es como me ia dise: cada lege en la Biblia e en la libros de lege es un atenta per defeta un lege de Dio - en otra parolas, un lege noncambiable e nondestruable de natur. La Dio de esta popla ia mostra a los, par un milion atas, ce el respeta no un de la leges de la Biblia. El rompe cade de los se mesma, adultera e tota.

It is as I have said: every statute in the Bible and in the law-books is an attempt to defeat a law of God – in other words an unalterable and indestructible law of nature. These people’s God has shown them by a million acts that he respects none of the Bible’s statutes. He breaks every one of the himself, adultery and all.

La lege de Dio, como clar espresada en la construi de un fem, es esta: No ave un limita a tu relatas sesal con la otra seso, a cualce periodo de tu vive.

The law of God, as quite plainly expressed in woman’s construction is this: There shall be no limit put upon your intercourse with the other sex sexually, at any time of life.

La lege de Dio, espresada egal clar en la construi de un om, es esta: En tu vive intera, tu va ave limitas e restrinjes noncurvable de tu sesia.

The law of God, as quite plainly expressed in man’s construction is this: During your entire life you shall be under inflexible limits and restrictions, sexually.

En dudes-tre dias en cada mense (estra ensinta) de cuando un fem es sete anios a cuando el mori de vea, el es preparada per ativia, e capas. Tan capas como un portecandela per reseta la candela. Capas cada dia, capas cada note. Ance, el desira esta candela - desira el, anela el, xerca el, como comandada en sua cor par la lege de Dio.

During twenty-three days in every month (in absence of pregnancy) from the time a woman is seven years old till she dies of old age, she is ready for action, and competent. As competent as the candlestick is to receive the candle. Competent every day, competent every night. Also she wants that candle – yearns for it, longs for it, hankers after it, as commanded by the law of God in her heart.

Ma la om es capas per sola un tempo corta; e alora sola en un mesura moderada aplicable a la parola en la caso de se seso. El es capas de la eda de des-ses o des-sete a pos per tredes anios. Pos sincodes, sua presenta es de un cualia povre, la periodos entre presentas es longa, e la sasias no es de valua grande per cualce partisipor; par contraste, sua duava es tan bon como nova. Ave no problem con sua fabrica. Sua portacandela es tan firma como a cualce otra ora, ma la candela de la om es plu e plu molida e debilida par la ventos de vea, anio pos anio, asta cuando a fini, el no pote sta, e es poneda lamentos a sua reposa en la espera de un revive bondiseda cual va ariva nunca.

But man is only briefly competent; and only then in the moderate measure applicable to the word in his sex’s case. He is competent from the age of sixteen or seventeen thence-forward for thirty-five years. After fifty his performance is of poor quality, the intervals between are wide, and its satisfactions of no great value to either party; whereas his great-grandmother is as good as new. There is nothing the matter with her plant. Her candlestick is as firm as ever, whereas his candle is increasingly softened and weakened by the weather of age, as the years go by, until at last it can no longer stand, and is mournfully laid to rest in the hope of a blessed resurrection which is never to come.

Par la construi de un fem, sua fabrica debe no opera per tre dias en la mense, e durante un parte de sua ensinta. Esta es periodos de descomforta, frecuente de sufri. Per compensa justa, el ave la vantaje alta de adultera nonlimitada tra tota dias de sua vive.

By the woman’s make, her plant has to be out of service three days in the month, and during a part of her pregnancy. These are times of discomfort, often of suffering. For fair and just compensation she has the high privilege of unlimited adultery all the other days of her life.

Acel es la lege de Dio, como mostrada en sua construi. Cual aveni con esta vantaje alta? Esce el vive en plaser libre de el? No. En no loca en la tota mundo. El es furida de el a cada loca. Ci fa esta? Omes. La leges de omes - si la Biblia es la Dise de Dio.

That is the law of God, as revealed in her make. What becomes of this high privilege? Does she live in free enjoyment of it? No. Nowhere in the whole world. She is robbed of it everywhere. Who does this? Man. Man’s statutes – if the Bible is the Word of God.

Aora vos ave un esemplo de la “potias de razona” de umana, como el nomi los. El oserva alga fatos. Per esemplo, ce en tota sua vive el vide nunca la dia cuando el pote sasia un fem; ance, ce no fem va vide la dia en cuando se no pote fatiga e vinse e consuma cualce des fabricas mas cual pote es poneda en se leto. El ajunta esta fatos clar sujestente e luminos la un con la otra, e de los conclui stonante: La Creor ia intende ce un fem ta es restrinjeda a un om.

Now there you have a sample of man’s “reasoning powers,” as he calls them. He observes certain facts. For instance, that in all his life he never sees the day that he can satisfy one woman; also, that no woman ever sees the day that she can’t overwork, and defeat, and put out of commission any ten masculine plants that can be put to bed to her. He puts those strikingly suggestive and luminous facts together, and from them draws this astonishing conclusion: The Creator intended the woman to be restricted to one man.

Donce, el reali esta conclui singular en la forma de un lege, per sempre e tota.

So he concretes that singular conclusion into law, for good and all.

E el fa esta sin consulta la fem, an si la fem ave un mil veses plu a risca en la caso de el. La capas reprodual de la om es limitada a un promedia de sento avenis per anio per sincodes anios, e el de la fem es bon per tre mil un anio per acel tempo - plu tan multe anios plu ce la fem ta vive. Donce la interesa en la caso per la om es sinco mil restoras, en cuando el de la fem es sento sincodes mil; ma, en loca de permete, justa e onoros, la crea de la lege a la person ci ave la interesa inondante, esta porco sin mesura, ci no ave un interesa cual deserva considera, crea la lege par se mesma!

And he does it without consulting the woman, although she has a thousand times more at stake in the matter than he has. His procreative competency is limited to an average of a hundred exercises per year for fifty years, hers is good for three thousand a year for that whole time – and as many years longer as she may live. Thus his life interest in the matter is five thousand refreshments, while hers is a hundred and fifty thousand; yet instead of fairly and honorably leaving the making of the law to the person who has an overwhelming interest at stake in it, this immeasurable hog, who has nothing at stake in it worth considering, makes it himself!

Vos ia trova plu temprana, par me instruis, ce la om es un fol; vos comprende aora ce la fem es un fol condenada.

You have heretofore found out, by my teachings, that man is a fool; you are now aware that woman is a damned fool.

Aora, si vos o cualce otra person vera intelijente ta es organiza la justas entre om e fem, vos ta dona a la om un sincodesi de interesa en un fem, e a la em, un arem. No? Par nesesa. Par me onora, esta vivente con la candela ruinada ia organiza esata en la otra modo. Solomon, ci ia es un de la favoredas de la Dio, ia ave un armario de copula composada de sete sento sposas e tre sente concubinas. Per salve sua vive el no ia pote sasia sufisinte an du de esta viventes joven, an si el ia ave la adia de des-sinco espertos. Nesesa, cuasi la tota tre mil ia es famos per anios e anios. Pensa de un om con un cor tan dur ce el pote regarda dial a tota esta sufri e no ta es corajida per redui el. El an ia ajunta intendente un feri agu a acel miseria compatable; car el pone en la vista de acel femes, sempre, gardores fidos ce ci sua formas mervelios mas ia causa la povre xicas saliva, ma ci no ia ave cualce cosa per consola un portacandela, car esta persones ia es eunucos. Un eunuco es un person de ci sua candela es estinguida. Par arte.

Now if you or any other really intelligent person were arranging the fairness and justices between man and woman, you would give the man one-fiftieth interest in one woman, and the woman a harem. Now wouldn’t you? Necessarily. I give you my word, this creature with the decrepit candle has arranged it exactly the other way. Solomon, who was one of the Deity’s favorites, had a copulation cabinet composed of seven hundred wives and three hundred concubines. To save his life he could not have kept two of these young creatures satisfactorily refreshed, even if he had had fifteen experts to help him. Necessarily almost the entire thousand had to go hungry years and years on a stretch. Conceive of a man hardhearted enough to look daily upon all that suffering and not be moved to mitigate it. He even wantonly added a sharp pang to that pathetic misery; for he kept within those women’s sight, always, stalwart watchmen whose splendid masculine forms made the poor lassies’ mouths water but who hadn’t anything to solace a candlestick with, these gentry being eunuchs. A eunuch is a person whose candle has been put out. By art.

De tempo a tempo, como me vade, me va introdui un lege Biblial e mostra a vos como el viole sempre un lege de Dio, e alora es emportada en la libros de leges de la nasiones, do el continua sua violes. Ma acel cosas pote resta; no nesesa freta.

From time to time, as I go along, I will take up a Biblical statute and show you that it always violates a law of God, and then is imported into the lawbooks of the nations, where it continues its violations. But those things will keep; there is no hurry.

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