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Letera cuatro

Letter IV

Alora, la Duple Prima ia vade de la Jardin con un maldise – un maldise permanente. Los ia perde cada plaser cual los ia posese ante “la Cade”; ma ancora los ia es rica, car los ia gania alga cosa cual ia ave la valua de tota otras: los ia conose la Arte Suprema.

So the First Pair went forth from the Garden under a curse – a permanent one. They had lost every pleasure they had possessed before “The Fall”; and yet they were rich, for they had gained one worth all the rest: they knew the Supreme Art.

Los ia pratica asidua la Arte, e ia es plenida con contentia. La Dio ia comanda ce los pratica el. Los ia obedi, a esta ves. Ma ia es multe bon ce el no ia es proibida, car los ta pratica el en alga caso, an si mil Dios ia proibi el.

They practiced it diligently and were filled with contentment. The Deity ordered them to practice it. They obeyed, this time. But it was just as well it was not forbidden, for they would have practiced it anyhow, if a thousand Deities had forbidden it.

Resultas ia segue, con la nomes de Cain e Abel. E estas ia ave alga sores; e los ia sabe cual los pote fa con los. E donce ia ave plu resultas: Cain e Abel ia produi alga sobrinos e sobrinas. E estas, en sua turno, ia produi alga cosinas de la grado du. A esta tempo, la clasi de relatas ia deveni difisil, e on ia abandona la atenta manteni el.

Results followed. By the name of Cain and Abel. And these had some sisters; and knew what to do with them. And so there were some more results: Cain and Abel begot some nephews and nieces. These, in their turn, begot some second cousins. At this point classification of relationships began to get difficult, and the attempt to keep it up was abandoned.

La labora plasente de popli la mundo ia continua de eda a eda, e en un modo multe produos; car en acel dias felis la sesos ia es ancora capas en la Arte Suprema cuando, justos, los ta debe es ja mor per otosento anios. La seso plu dulse, plu cara, plu bela ia ave clar alora sua bonia suprema, car el ia es an capas de atrae dios. Dios vera. Los ia desende de la sielo e ia fa esperias mervelios con acel flores joven. La Biblio reconta la aveni.

The pleasant labor of populating the world went on from age to age, and with prime efficiency; for in those happy days the sexes were still competent for the Supreme Art when by rights they ought to have been dead eight hundred years. The sweeter sex, the dearer sex, the lovelier sex was manifestly at its very best, then, for it was even able to attract gods. Real gods. They came down out of heaven and had wonderful times with those hot young blossoms. The Bible tells about it.

Con la aida de esta stranjeres visitante, la cuantia de persones ia crese e crese a cuando el ia deveni multe miliones. Ma esta ia es un delude per la Dio. El no ia es sasiada par sua morales, cual en alga modos no ia es plu bon ce los de se mesma. Vera, los ia es un imita nonadulante simil a los de se mesma. La popla ia es multe mal, e car el no ia conose un otra metodo per reformi los, el ia conclui saja ce el ta aboli los. Esta es la idea unica vera luminada e superior cual sua Biblio ia atribui a el, e esta ta garantia sempre sua reputa si el ia pote sola adere a la idea e reali el. Ma el ia es sempre nonstable – estra sua anunsias – e sua bon deside ia falta. El ia es orgulos de umania; la umania ia es sua inventa la plu eselente; umania ia es sua animal cara, pos la mosca, e el no ia pote tolera perde completa el; donce el ia deside final ce el va salva un sample de el e inonda la otras.

By help of those visiting foreigners the population grew and grew until it numbered several millions. But it was a disappointment to the Deity. He was dissatisfied with its morals; which in some respects were not any better than his own. Indeed they were an unflatteringly close imitation of his own. They were a very bad people, and as he knew of no way to reform them, he wisely concluded to abolish them. This is the only really enlightened and superior idea his Bible has credited him with, and it would have made his reputation for all time if he could only have kept to it and carried it out. But he was always unstable – except in his advertisements – and his good resolution broke down. He took a pride in man; man was his finest invention; man was his pet, after the housefly, and he could not bear to lose him wholly; so he finally decided to save a sample of him and drown the rest.

No cosa ta pote es plu tipal de el. El ia crea tota acel persones famos mal, e el ia es sola culpable per la condui de los. Nun de los ia merita mori, ma ia es serta un politica bon ce el va estingui los; spesial car en crea los la crimin estracomun ia es ja fada, e car permete ce los continua reprodui ta es un ajunta clar a la crimin. Ma a la mesma tempo, ta esiste no justia en alga favorisme – tota ta debe es inondada o nun.

Nothing could be more characteristic of him. He created all those infamous people, and he alone was responsible for their conduct. Not one of them deserved death, yet it was certainly good policy to extinguish them; especially since in creating them the master crime had already been committed, and to allow them to go on procreating would be a distinct addition to the crime. But at the same time there could be no justice, no fairness, in any favoritism – all should be drowned or none.

No, el no ia desira esta; el ia vole salva ses de los e atenta denova la raza. El no ia pote previde ce la idea va putri denova, car el es sola La Iperope en sua anunsias.

No, he would not have it so; he would save half a dozen and try the race over again. He was not able to foresee that it would go rotten again, for he is only the Far-Sighted One in his advertisements.

El ia salva Noa e sua familia, e ia prepara la estingui de la otras. El ia desinia un barcon, e Noa ia construi el. Nun de los ia construi un barcon a ante, e no ia sabe cualce de barcones; e donce on ia pote espeta alga cosa estracomun. El ia aveni. Noa ia es un cultivor, e an si el ia sabe cual on nesesa de la barcon, el ia es intera noncapas de dise si esta barcon va es sufisinte grande per completi la taxe (e el no ia sufisi), donce el ia ofre no consela. La Dio no ia sabe ce el no es sufisinte grande, ma el ia depende de fortuna e no ia fa mesuras sufisinte. A la fini, la barcon ia es multe min ce sufisinte per la taxe, e asta oji, la mundo sufri ancora per esta.

He saved out Noah and his family, and arranged to exterminate the rest. He planned an Ark, and Noah built it. Neither of them had ever built an Ark before, nor knew anything about Arks; and so something out of the common was to be expected. It happened. Noah was a farmer, and although he knew what was required of the Ark he was quite incompetent to say whether this one would be large enough to meet the requirements or not (which it wasn’t), so he ventured no advice. The Deity did not know it wasn’t large enough, but took the chances and made no adequate measurements. In the end the ship fell far short of the necessities, and to this day the world still suffers for it.

Noa ia construi la barcon. El ia construi el en la modo la plu bon ce el pote, ma el no ia inclui la plu de nesesadas. La barcon ia ave no timon, el ia ave no velas, el ia ave no busola, el ia ave no pompas, el ia ave no mapas, no filos de plomo, no ancores, no arcivo, no lampas, no venti, e regardante la spasio per cargo – la cosa la plu importante – min nos parla de esta, plu bon. El ta es a mar per des-un menses, e ta nesesa acua fresca sufisinte per pleni du barcones de sua grandia – ma la barcon ajuntada no ia es furnida. Acua de la esterna no ta pote es usada: un dui de el ta es acua sal, e omes e animales de la tera no ta pote bevi el.

Noah built the Ark. He built it the best he could, but left out most of the essentials. It had no rudder, it had no sails, it had no compass, it had no pumps, it had no charts, no lead-lines, no anchors, no log, no light, no ventilation, and as for cargo room – which was the main thing – the less said about that the better. It was to be at sea eleven months, and would need fresh water enough to fill two Arks of its size – yet the additional Ark was not provided. Water from outside could not be utilized: half of it would be salt water, and men and land animals could not drink it.

Car no sola un sample de omes ta es salvada, ma samples comersial de la otra animales ance. Vos debe sabe ce, cuando Adam ia come la poma en la Jardin e ia aprende como el pote reprodui e pleni la mundo, la otra animales ia aprende ance la Arte, par oserva Adam. Ia es astuta de los, ia es rusos; car los ia reseta tota cual ia ave valua de la poma sin come el e sin dole se mesmas con la Senti Moral desastros, la jenitor de tota cosas nonmoral.

For not only was a sample of man to be saved, but business samples of the other animals, too. You must understand that when Adam ate the apple in the Garden and learned how to multiply and replenish, the other animals learned the Art, too, by watching Adam. It was cunning of them, it was neat; for they got all that was worth having out of the apple without tasting it and afflicting themselves with the disastrous Moral Sense, the parent of all immoralities.

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