La Creor ia senta sur la trono e ia pensa. Pos el, la continente nonlimitada de sielo ia estende, saturada en un gloria de lus e color; ante el, la note negra de spasio ia leva, como un mur. Sua enormia potiosa ia tori ru e montanin a la zenite, e sua testa divin ia brilia ala como un sol distante. A sua pedes, tre formas enorme ia sta, cuasi diminuida a estingui en contrasta – la arcanjeles – con sua testas a la nivel de la talo de la Creor.
The Creator sat upon the throne, thinking. Behind him stretched the illimitable continent of heaven, steeped in a glory of light and color; before him rose the black night of Space, like a wall. His mighty bulk towered rugged and mountain-like into the zenith, and His divine head blazed there like a distant sun. At His feet stood three colossal figures, diminished to extinction, almost, by contrast – archangels – their heads level with His ankle-bone.
Cuando la Creor ia fini pensa, el dise – “Me ia pensa. Vide!”
When the Creator had finished thinking, He said, “I have thought. Behold!”
El ia leva sua mano, e de sua mano un fonte de foco jeta, milion soles enorme, cual ia fende la negria e ia vola a via, a via, a via, e ia diminui en grandia e intensia an cuando los ia perfora la fronteras distante de spasio, asta cuando, a fini, los ia es no plu ce la testas de clos diamantin sintilinte su la teto vasta cupolin de la universo.
He lifted His hand, and from it burst a fountain-spray of fire, a million stupendous suns, which clove the blackness and soared, away and away and away, diminishing in magnitude and intensity as they pierced the far frontiers of Space, until at last they were but as diamond nailheads sparkling under the domed vast roof of the universe.
A la fini de un ora, la Consilio Grande ia es enviada a via.
At the end of an hour the Grand Council was dismissed.
Los ia parti de la Presente, stonada e pensos, e ia retira a un loca privata, do los ta pote parla con libria. Nun de la tre ia pare desira comensa, ma tota ia vole ce algun ta comensa. Cadun ia es ardente zelosa per discute la aveni grande, ma cadun ta prefere no promete se asta cuando el ta conose como la otras regarda la aveni. Donce, ia ave alga conversa esitante e nondirijeda sur cosas de no importa, e esta ia continua noiante, sin ariva a un conclui, asta cuando, final, la arcanjel Satan ia colie sua coraje – de cual el ia ave un furni multe grande – e ia fa la paso prima. El ia dise – “Nos sabe cual nos es asi per discute, me seniores, e ta ce nos pone nos finjes a lado, e comensa. Si esta es la opina de la Consilio…”
They left the Presence impressed and thoughtful, and retired to a private place, where they might talk with freedom. None of the three seemed to want to begin, though all wanted somebody to do it. Each was burning to discuss the great event, but would prefer not to commit himself till he should know how the others regarded it. So there was some aimless and halting conversation about matters of no consequence, and this dragged tediously along, arriving nowhere, until at last the archangel Satan gathered his courage together – of which he had a very good supply – and broke ground. He said: “We know what we are here to talk about, my lords, and we may as well put pretense aside, and begin. If this is the opinion of the Council – ”
“Si! Si!” – Gabriel e Micael ia dise, grasios interompente.
“It is, it is!” said Gabriel and Michael, gratefully interrupting.
“Bon, alora, ta ce nos prosede. Nos ia atesta un cosa mervelios – sur esta nos debe acorda. Regardante la valua de lo – si lo ave cualce – esta es un cosa par cual nos no es personal consernada. Nos pote ave tan multe opinas sur lo como nos gusta, e acel es nos limita. Nos no ave un vota. Me pensa ce la spasio ia es sufisinte bon, esata como lo ia es, e usos ance. Fria e oscur – un loca de reposa, de tempo a tempo, pos un saison de la clima tro delicata e la brilias fatigante de la sielo. Ma estas es detalias cual no importa notable. La cualia nova, la cualia enorme, es – ce, seniores?”
“Very well, then, let us proceed. We have witnessed a wonderful thing; as to that, we are necessarily agreed. As to the value of it – if it has any – that is a matter which does not personally concern us. We can have as many opinions about it as we like, and that is our limit. We have no vote. I think Space was well enough, just as it was, and useful, too. Cold and dark – a restful place, now and then, after a season of the overdelicate climate and trying splendors of heaven. But these are details of no considerable moment; the new feature, the immense feature, is – what, gentlemen?”
“La inventa e introdui de un leje automatida, nonsupravideda, autoregulante per la governa de acel miliones de soles e mundos jirante e corente!”
“The invention and introduction of automatic, unsupervised, self-regulating law for the government of those myriads of whirling and racing suns and worlds!”
“Esata!” – Satan ia dise. “Tu persepi ce lo es un idea stonante. No cosa an prosima a lo ia es evoluida de la Inteleto Mestral a ante. Un Leje – un Leje automatida – un Leje esata e nonvariante – cual esije no atende, no coreti, no reajusta an tra la dura de la eternias! El dise ce acel corpos vasta e noncontable va core tra la desertos de spasio per edas e edas, a un rapidia nonimajinable, sirca orbitas enorme, ma nunca xocante la un contra la otra, e nunca estendente o cortinte sua periodos orbital par tan multe como un senti de un secondo en du mil anios! Esta es la miraclo nova, e la plu grande de tota: un Leje automatida! E El ia dona un nom a esta: LA LEJE DE NATUR – e esta Leje Natural es la LEJE DE DIO – nomes intercambiable per un cosa unica.”
“That is it!” said Satan. “You perceive that it is a stupendous idea. Nothing approaching it has been evolved from the Master Intellect before. Law – Automatic Law – exact and unvarying Law – requiring no watching, no correcting, no readjusting while the eternities endure! He said those countless vast bodies would plunge through the wastes of Space ages and ages, at unimaginable speed, around stupendous orbits, yet never collide, and never lengthen nor shorten their orbital periods by so much as the hundredth part of a second in two thousand years! That is the new miracle, and the greatest of all – Automatic Law! And He gave it a name – the LAW OF NATURE – and said Natural Law is the LAW OF GOD – interchangeable names for one and the same thing.”
“Si,” – Micael ia dise – “e El ia dise ce El va establi un Leje Natural – la Leje de Dio – tra sua renas, e ce sua autoria ta debe es suprema e nonviolable.”
“Yes,” said Michael, “and He said He would establish Natural Law – the Law of God – throughout His dominions, and its authority should be supreme and inviolable.”
“Ance,” – Gabriel ia dise – “El ia dise ce El va crea animales en la futur, e va pone los ance su la autoria de esta Leje.”
“Also,” said Gabriel, “He said He would by and by create animals, and place them, likewise, under the authority of that Law.”
“Si,” – Satan dise – “me ia oia El, ma me no ia comprende. Ce es un ‘animales’, Gabriel?”
“Yes,” said Satan, “I heard Him, but did not understand. What is animals, Gabriel?”
“Ai, como me ta pote sabe? Como cualcun de nos ta pote sabe? Lo es un parola nova.”
“Ah, how should I know? How should any of us know? It is a new word.”
[Un interval de tre sentenios de tempo de sielo – egal a sento milion anios de tempo de tera. Un mesajor anjelin entra.]
[Interval of three centuries, celestial time – the equivalent of a hundred million years, earthly time. Enter a Messenger-Angel.]
“Me seniores, El es creante animales. Esce vos vole veni per vide?”
“My lords, He is making animals. Will it please you to come and see?”
Los ia vade e vide, e los ia es confondeda. Profonda confondeda. E la Creor ia nota esta e ia dise – “Demanda, e me va responde.”
They went, they saw, and were perplexed. Deeply perplexed – and the Creator noticed it, and said, “Ask. I will answer.”
“Divin,” – Satan ia dise, inclinante per respeta – “ce es la usa de los?”
“Divine One,” said Satan, making obeisance, “what are they for?”
“Los es un esperimente en morales e condui. Oserva los, e deveni instruida.”
“They are an experiment in Morals and Conduct. Observe them, and be instructed.”
Ia ave miles de los. E los ia es multe ativa. Ocupada, tota de los ia es ocupada – xef en persegue la un la otra. Satan ia comenta – pos esamina un de los tra un microscopio potios – “Esta animal grande mata la animales plu debil, Divin.”
There were thousands of them. They were full of activities. Busy, all busy – mainly in persecuting each other. Satan remarked – after examining one of them through a powerful microscope: “This large beast is killing weaker animals, Divine One.”
“La tigre – si. La leje de sua natur es ferosia. La leje de sua natur es la Leje de Dio. El no pote desobedi lo.”
“The tiger – yes. The law of his nature is ferocity. The law of his nature is the Law of God. He cannot disobey it.”
“Donce, par obedi sua natur, el fa no ofende, Divin?”
“Then in obeying it he commits no offense, Divine One?”
“No, el no es culpable.”
“No, he is blameless.”
“Esta otra animal, asi, es timida, Divin, e aseta moria sin resiste.”
“This other creature, here, is timid, Divine One, and suffers death without resisting.”
“La coneo, si. El es sin coraje. Esta es la leje de sua natur – la Leje de Dio. El debe obedi lo.”
“The rabbit – yes. He is without courage. It is the law of his nature – the Law of God. He must obey it.”
“Donce on no pote comanda onorable ce el oposa sua natur e resiste, Divin?”
“Then he cannot honorably be required to go counter to his nature and resist, Divine One?”
“No. On no pote comanda onorable ce cualce animal oposa la leje de sua natur – la Leje de Dio.”
“No. No creature can be honorably required to go counter to the law of his nature – the Law of God.”
Pos un tempo longa e multe demandas, Satan ia dise – “La arania mata la mosca e come el; la avia mata la arania e come el; la gato savaje mata la ganso; la… bon, tota de los mata la un la otra. Ave matas tra tota la cadena. Ave asi cuantias noncontable de animales, e tota de los mata, mata, mata – tota de los es matores. E los no es culpable, Divin?”
After a long time and many questions, Satan said, “The spider kills the fly, and eats it; the bird kills the spider and eats it; the wildcat kills the goose; the – well, they all kill each other. It is murder all along the line. Here are countless multitudes of creatures, and they all kill, kill, kill, they are all murderers. And they are not to blame, Divine One?”
“Los no es culpable. Esta es la leje de sua natures. E sempre la leje de natur es la Leje de Dio. Aora – oserva – vide! Un creada nova, e la opera mestral: La umana!”
“They are not to blame. It is the law of their nature. And always the law of nature is the Law of God. Now – observe – behold! A new creature – and the masterpiece – Man!”
Omes, femes, enfantes – los ia veni, xamante en manadas, en folas, par miliones.
Men, women, children, they came swarming in flocks, in droves, in millions.
“Como tu va usa los, Divin?”
“What shall you do with them, Divine One?”
“Me va asembla en cada individua, en grados e tinjes diferente, tota la cualias moral cual ia es distribuida, tal ce cadun ave un cualia distinguinte, tra la mundo de animales nonparlante – coraje, coardia, ferosia, jentilia, justia, egalia, astutia, tradosia, jenerosia, cruelia, malvole, enemia, libido, pardona, compatia, puria, egosia, dulsia, onor, ama, odia, basia, nobilia, fide, falsia, veria, mentosia… – cada umana va ave tota de los en se, e los va constitui sua natur. En alga, ave cualias alta e bela cual va sumerji la mal cualias, e esta umanas va es clamada ‘bon’; en otras, la mal cualias va rena, e esta umanas va es clamada ‘mal’. Oserva – vide – los desapare!”
“Put into each individual, in differing shades and degrees, all the various Moral Qualities, in mass, that have been distributed, a single distinguishing characteristic at a time, among the nonspeaking animal world – courage, cowardice, ferocity, gentleness, fairness, justice, cunning, treachery, magnanimity, cruelty, malice, malignity, lust, mercy, pity, purity, selfishness, sweetness, honor, love, hate, baseness, nobility, loyalty, falsity, veracity, untruthfulness – each human being shall have all of these in him, and they will constitute his nature. In some, there will be high and fine characteristics which will submerge the evil ones, and those will be called good men; in others the evil characteristics will have dominion, and those will be called bad men. Observe – behold – they vanish!”
“A do los ia vade, Divin?”
“Whither are they gone, Divine One?”
“A la tera – los e tota la otra animales.”
“To the earth – they and all their fellow animals.”
“Ce es ‘la tera’?”
“What is the earth?”
“Un globo peti cual me ia fa, ante du e un dui tempos. Vos ia vide lo, ma vos no ia nota lo en la esplode de mundos e soles cual ia jeta se de me mano. La umanas es un esperimente, e la otra animales es un otra esperimente. La tempo va mostra esce los ia merita la labora. La mostra es finida. Vos pote parti, me seniores.”
“A small globe I made, a time, two times and a half ago. You saw it, but did not notice it in the explosion of worlds and suns that sprayed from my hand. Man is an experiment, the other animals are another experiment. Time will show whether they were worth the trouble. The exhibition is over; you may take your leave, my lords.”
Alga dias ia pasa.
Several days passed by.
Esta representa un tempo longa de (nos) tempo, car en la sielo, un dia es como mil anios.
This stands for a long stretch of (our) time, since in heaven a day is as a thousand years.
Satan ia fa comentas amirante sur alga de la laboras sintilinte de la Creor – comentas cual, si on leje entre la linias, ia es vera sarcasmos. El ia fa privata esta comentas a sua amis secur, la otra arcanjeles. Ma los ia es acaso oiada par alga anjeles comun, e reportada a la Xeferia.
Satan had been making admiring remarks about certain of the Creator’s sparkling industries – remarks which, being read between the lines, were sarcasms. He had made them confidentially to his safe friends the other archangels, but they had been overheard by some ordinary angels and reported at Headquarters.
El ia es enviada a esclui per un dia – un dia de sielo. Esta ia es un puni a cual el ia es abituada, a causa de sua lingua tro ativa. En la pasada, el ia es enviada a spasio, car no otra loca esiste per un esclui, e el ia bate noiada sua alas asi e ala en la note eternal e la fria artica. Ma aora, la idea veni a el ce el pote vade plu e xerca per la tera per vide como la esperimente de la umanas progresa.
He was ordered into banishment for a day – the celestial day. It was a punishment he was used to, on account of his too flexible tongue. Formerly he had been deported into Space, there being nowhither else to send him, and had flapped tediously around there in the eternal night and the Arctic chill; but now it occurred to him to push on and hunt up the earth and see how the Human Race experiment was coming along.
Pos un tempo, el scrive – multe privata – sur sua oservas a san Micael e san Gabriel.
By and by he wrote home – very privately – to St. Michael and St. Gabriel about it.
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