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Sredni Vaxtar

Sredni Vaxtar (engles: “Sredni Vashtar”) es un nara corta par Saki (H. H. Munro). Esta tradui es par Randy Hudson en 2012.

Mostra ance la testo orijinal

Conradin ave des anios, e la dotor ia proclama sua opina profesal ce la xico no va vive tra sinco anios plu. La dotor es sedin e dejenerada, e importa pico, ma sua opina es validida par sra De Ropp, ci importa cuasi tota. Sra De Ropp es la cusina e defendor de Conradin, e a sua oios la fem representa acel tre sincis de la mundo cual es nesesada e nongustable e real; la otra du sincis, en la oposa eterna contra la presedentes, es somada par sua mesma e sua imajina. Conradin suposa ce a alga dia el va sede a la presa comandante de cosas nesesada e fatigante – como maladias e restrinjes supracurosa e la noia estendeda. Sin sua imajina, cual es caprinte par la speron de solitaria, el ia ta sede multe ante aora.

Conradin was ten years old, and the doctor had pronounced his professional opinion that the boy would not live another five years. The doctor was silky and effete, and counted for little, but his opinion was endorsed by Mrs. De Ropp, who counted for nearly everything. Mrs. De Ropp was Conradin’s cousin and guardian, and in his eyes she represented those three-fifths of the world that are necessary and disagreeable and real; the other two-fifths, in perpetual antagonism to the foregoing, were summed up in himself and his imagination. One of these days Conradin supposed he would succumb to the mastering pressure of wearisome necessary things – such as illnesses and coddling restrictions and drawn-out dulness. Without his imagination, which was rampant under the spur of loneliness, he would have succumbed long ago.

Nunca sra De Ropp, en sua momentos la plu onesta, ta confesa a se ce el no gusta Conradin, an si cisa el es oscur consensa ce impedi la xico “per sua propre bon” es un obliga cual el no persepi como multe iritante. Conradin odia la fem con un sinseria desperante cual el pote masci perfeta. Tal poca plaseres cual el pote inventa per se gania un saborea ajuntada par la probablia ce los ta desplase sua defendor, e de la rena de sua imajina la fem es escluida – un cosa nonlimpa, cual debe trova no entra.

Mrs. De Ropp would never, in her honestest moments, have confessed to herself that she disliked Conradin, though she might have been dimly aware that thwarting him “for his good” was a duty which she did not find particularly irksome. Conradin hated her with a desperate sincerity which he was perfectly able to mask. Such few pleasures as he could contrive for himself gained an added relish from the likelihood that they would be displeasing to his guardian, and from the realm of his imagination she was locked out – an unclean thing, which should find no entrance.

En la jardin sombre e sin felis, regardada par tan multe fenetras cual es preparada per abri con un mesaje de no fa esta o acel, o un recordante ce prende medisines es espetada, el trova poca atrae. La poca arbores de fruta ala contenida es jelosa separada de sua recolie, como si los ta es esemplos rara de sua spesie, florinte en un deserto seca; probable lo ta es difisil ce on ta trova un frutor ci ta ofre des xilinges per la produidas anial de tota de los. En un angulo oblidada, an tal, cuasi ascondeda a retro de un arboreteria sombre, on ave un cabana de utiles, desusada, de bon proportio, e en sua mures Conradin trova un refuja, un loca cual finje la aspetas varia de un jueria e un catedral. El ia popli lo con un multia de fantasmas conoseda, evocada en parte de fratos de istoria e en parte de sua propre serebro, ma lo ave ance du abitores de carne e sangue. En un angulo un gal fema de Houdan con plumas desordinada abita, sur cual la xico abunda un ama cual ave apena otra espresa. Plu a retro en la sombre un caje grande sta, divideda en du saletas, de cual un es frontida par baras streta spasida de fero. Esta es la abita de un furon brun grande, cual un xico amin de la carneria ia contrabanda, an con caje, a en la loca presente, per un reserva longa ascondeda de arjento. Conradin teme asustada la bestia ajil con dentones agu, ma lo es sua poseseda la plu tesorin. An la presentia simple de lo en la cabana de utiles es un joia secreta e temosa, cual debe evita la sabe de la Fem, como el nomi privata sua cusina. E a un dia, de materia nonsabeda, el crea un nom merveliosa per la bestia, e de acel momento lo crese a un dio e un relijio. La Fem regala se en relijio a un ves en cada semana a un eglesa prosima, e tira Conradin con el, ma a la xico la rituo es un ata stranjer en la Casa de Rimon. A cada jovedi, en la silentia sombre e mofosa de la cabana de utiles, el adora con rituo mistica e detaliosa ante la caje de lenio do Sredni Vaxtar, la furon grande, abita. Flores roja en sua saison e bacas scarlata en inverno es ofreda a sua santeria, car lo es un dio ci asentua spesial la lado ferosa e nonpasiente de cosas, en oposa a la relijio de la Fem, cual, cuanto Conradin pote oserva, vade a longias grande en la dirije a contra. E a festas grande, la muscada polvide es sperdeda ante la caje, con ce un cualia importante de la ofre es ce la muscada debe es furada. Esta festas no es periodal, ma es xef asiniada per selebra alga aveni pasante. A un ves, cuando sra De Ropp sufri de dole de dente agu per tre dias, Conradin susteni la festa tra tota tre dias, e susede cuasi convinse se ce Sredni Vaxtar causa la dole de dente. Si la maladia ta continua un otra dia, la furni de muscada ta es consumada.

In the dull, cheerless garden, overlooked by so many windows that were ready to open with a message not to do this or that, or a reminder that medicines were due, he found little attraction. The few fruit-trees that it contained were set jealously apart from his plucking, as though they were rare specimens of their kind blooming in an arid waste; it would probably have been difficult to find a market-gardener who would have offered ten shillings for their entire yearly produce. In a forgotten corner, however, almost hidden behind a dismal shrubbery, was a disused tool-shed of respectable proportions, and within its walls Conradin found a haven, something that took on the varying aspects of a playroom and a cathedral. He had peopled it with a legion of familiar phantoms, evoked partly from fragments of history and partly from his own brain, but it also boasted two inmates of flesh and blood. In one corner lived a ragged-plumaged Houdan hen, on which the boy lavished an affection that had scarcely another outlet. Further back in the gloom stood a large hutch, divided into two compartments, one of which was fronted with close iron bars. This was the abode of a large polecat-ferret, which a friendly butcher-boy had once smuggled, cage and all, into its present quarters, in exchange for a long-secreted hoard of small silver. Conradin was dreadfully afraid of the lithe, sharp-fanged beast, but it was his most treasured possession. Its very presence in the tool-shed was a secret and fearful joy, to be kept scrupulously from the knowledge of the Woman, as he privately dubbed his cousin. And one day, out of Heaven knows what material, he spun the beast a wonderful name, and from that moment it grew into a god and a religion. The Woman indulged in religion once a week at a church near by, and took Conradin with her, but to him the church service was an alien rite in the House of Rimmon. Every Thursday, in the dim and musty silence of the tool-shed, he worshipped with mystic and elaborate ceremonial before the wooden hutch where dwelt Sredni Vashtar, the great ferret. Red flowers in their season and scarlet berries in the winter-time were offered at his shrine, for he was a god who laid some special stress on the fierce impatient side of things, as opposed to the Woman’s religion, which, as far as Conradin could observe, went to great lengths in the contrary direction. And on great festivals powdered nutmeg was strewn in front of his hutch, an important feature of the offering being that the nutmeg had to be stolen. These festivals were of irregular occurrence, and were chiefly appointed to celebrate some passing event. On one occasion, when Mrs. De Ropp suffered from acute toothache for three days, Conradin kept up the festival during the entire three days, and almost succeeded in persuading himself that Sredni Vashtar was personally responsible for the toothache. If the malady had lasted for another day the supply of nutmeg would have given out.

Nunca la gal de Houdan es instalada en la culto de Sredni Vaxtar. Conradin ia deside ante multe tempo ce lo es un Anabatiste. El no finje sabe an neblosa lo cual un Anabatiste es, ma el espera privata ce lo es vivosa e no multe respetable. Sra De Ropp es la scema sur cual el fundi e odia tota respetablia.

The Houdan hen was never drawn into the cult of Sredni Vashtar. Conradin had long ago settled that she was an Anabaptist. He did not pretend to have the remotest knowledge as to what an Anabaptist was, but he privately hoped that it was dashing and not very respectable. Mrs. De Ropp was the ground plan on which he based and detested all respectability.

Pos alga tempo la preocupa de Conradin per la cabana de utiles comensa atrae la atende de sua defendor. “Lo no es bon per el ce el bricoleta ala en tota airas.” – el deside rapida, e a un come de matina el proclama ce la gal fema ia es vendeda e sutraeda en la note. Con sua oios miope el regarda Conradin, espetante un eruta de coler e tristia, de cual el es preparada per reproxa lo con un flue de proverbas e razonantes eselente. Ma Conradin dise no cosa: on ave no cosa per dise. Cisa alga cosa en la fas blanca e rijida de la xico done a el un senteta momental de consiensa, car a come de te de acel posmedia, on ave la pan tostada sur la table, un comeda favoreda cual el proibi usual, par la razona ce lo es mal per la xico, ance car la fa de lo “dona disturba” – un ofende matosa en la oio fema e burges.

After a while Conradin’s absorption in the tool-shed began to attract the notice of his guardian. “It is not good for him to be pottering down there in all weathers,” she promptly decided, and at breakfast one morning she announced that the Houdan hen had been sold and taken away overnight. With her short-sighted eyes she peered at Conradin, waiting for an outbreak of rage and sorrow, which she was ready to rebuke with a flow of excellent precepts and reasoning. But Conradin said nothing: there was nothing to be said. Something perhaps in his white set face gave her a momentary qualm, for at tea that afternoon there was toast on the table, a delicacy which she usually banned on the ground that it was bad for him; also because the making of it “gave trouble,” a deadly offence in the middle-class feminine eye.

“Me ia crede ce tu gusta la tostada.” – el esclama con un manera ferida, oservante ce la xico no toca lo.

“I thought you liked toast,” she exclaimed, with an injured air, observing that he did not touch it.

“A veses.” – Conradin dise.

“Sometimes,” said Conradin.

En la cabana a acel sera on ave un inova en la adora de la dio de caje. Conradin ia abitua a canta sua adoras; a esta note el demanda un favore.

In the shed that evening there was an innovation in the worship of the hutch-god. Conradin had been wont to chant his praises, tonight be asked a boon.

“Fa un cosa per me, Sredni Vaxtar.”

“Do one thing for me, Sredni Vashtar.”

La cosa no es spesifada. Car Sredni Vaxtar es un dio, on debe suposa ce lo sabe. E supresante un sanglota cuando el regarda acel otra angulo vacua, Conradin reveni a la mundo cual el odia tan.

The thing was not specified. As Sredni Vashtar was a god he must be supposed to know. And choking back a sob as he looked at that other empty comer, Conradin went back to the world he so hated.

E a cada note, en la oscur plasente de sua sala de dormi, e a cada sera en lus final de la cabana de utiles, le prea amarga de Conradin es altida – “Fa un cosa per me, Sredni Vaxtar.”

And every night, in the welcome darkness of his bedroom, and every evening in the dusk of the tool-shed, Conradin’s bitter litany went up: “Do one thing for me, Sredni Vashtar.”

Sra De Ropp persepi ce la visitas a la cabana no ia sesa, e a un dia el fa un viaja plu de esamina.

Mrs. De Ropp noticed that the visits to the shed did not cease, and one day she made a further journey of inspection.

“Cual tu reteni en acel caje clavida?” – el demanda. “Me crede ce lo es cavias. Me va fa ce tota de los es sutraeda.”

“What are you keeping in that locked hutch?” she asked. “I believe it’s guinea-pigs. I’ll have them all cleared away.”

Conradin clui streta sua labios, ma la Fem xerca completa tra sua sala asta cuando el trova la clave atendosa ascondeda, e marxa direta a su a la cabana per completi sua descovre. Lo es un posmedia fria, e Conradin ia es comandada a resta en la casa. Tra la fenetra la plu distante de la sala de come, on pote apena vide la porte de la cabana ultra la angulo de la arboreteria, e ala Conradin sta se. El vide ce la Fem entra, e alora el imajina ce la Fem abri la porte de la caje santa e regarda con sua oios miope a en la leto de palia densa do la dio reclina ascondeda. Cisa la Fem ta puieta a la palia en sua nonpasientia torpe. E Conradin espira zelosa sua prea a la ves ultima. Ma el sabe en cuando el prea ce el no crede. El sabe ce pronto la Fem va veni a estra con acel surie streta sur sua fas cual el odia tan, e ce pos un o du oras la jardinor va porta a via sua dio merveliosa, un dio no plu, ma simple un furon brun en un caje. E el sabe ce la Fem va vinse a cada ves como la Fem vinse aora, e ce el va deveni sempre plu maladiosa par la irita e la domina e la sajia superior de la Fem, asta un dia cuando no cosa va importa multe plu a el, e la dotor va es demostrada como coreta. E en la pica e la miseria de sua defeta, el comensa canta forte e defiante la imno de sua idol menasada –

Conradin shut his lips tight, but the Woman ransacked his bedroom till she found the carefully hidden key, and forthwith marched down to the shed to complete her discovery. It was a cold afternoon, and Conradin had been bidden to keep to the house. From the furthest window of the dining-room the door of the shed could just be seen beyond the corner of the shrubbery, and there Conradin stationed himself. He saw the Woman enter, and then be imagined her opening the door of the sacred hutch and peering down with her short-sighted eyes into the thick straw bed where his god lay hidden. Perhaps she would prod at the straw in her clumsy impatience. And Conradin fervently breathed his prayer for the last time. But he knew as he prayed that he did not believe. He knew that the Woman would come out presently with that pursed smile he loathed so well on her face, and that in an hour or two the gardener would carry away his wonderful god, a god no longer, but a simple brown ferret in a hutch. And he knew that the Woman would triumph always as she triumphed now, and that he would grow ever more sickly under her pestering and domineering and superior wisdom, till one day nothing would matter much more with him, and the doctor would be proved right. And in the sting and misery of his defeat, he began to chant loudly and defiantly the hymn of his threatened idol:

Sredni Vaxtar ia vade a ante,
sua pensas ia es roja es sua dentes ia es blanca,
sua enemis ia clama per la pas ma el ia trae a los la mori,
Sredni Vaxtar la Bela.
Sredni Vashtar went forth,
His thoughts were red thoughts and his teeth were white.
His enemies called for peace, but he brought them death.
Sredni Vashtar the Beautiful.

E alora subita el sesa canta e prosimi plu a la fenetra. La porte de la cabana resta ancora abrida como on ia lasa, e la minutos pasa liscante. Los es minutos longa, ma los continua pasa liscante. El regarda la stornos en core e vola en grupos peti traversante la erba; el conta los denova e denova, con un oio sempre sur acel porte pendulinte. Un servor fema con fas asida entra per prepara la table per la come de te, e ancora Conradin sta e espeta e vijila. Ja la espera ia entra rampente sua cor par sentimetres, e aora un aspeta de vinse comensa arde en sua oios, cual ia conose ante aora sola la pasientia anelante de la defeta. A xuxa, con un selebra secreta, el comensa denova sua imno de vinse e de ruina. E pronto sua oios es recompensada: a estra tra acel arco de porte un bestia veni, longa, basa, jala e brun, con oios giniante a la lus diminuinte de dia, e con tinjes oscur e moiada sirca la pelo de mandibulas e de garga. Conradin cade a jenos. La grande furon brun vade sur sua via a un rieta peti a la pede de la jardin, bevi momental, e alora traversa un ponte peti de plance e deveni ultra vista en la arboretas. Tal es la parti de Sredni Vaxtar.

And then of a sudden he stopped his chanting and drew closer to the window-pane. The door of the shed still stood ajar as it had been left, and the minutes were slipping by. They were long minutes, but they slipped by nevertheless. He watched the starlings running and flying in little parties across the lawn; he counted them over and over again, with one eye always on that swinging door. A sour-faced maid came in to lay the table for tea, and still Conradin stood and waited and watched. Hope had crept by inches into his heart, and now a look of triumph began to blaze in his eyes that had only known the wistful patience of defeat. Under his breath, with a furtive exultation, he began once again the pæan of victory and devastation. And presently his eyes were rewarded: out through that doorway came a long, low, yellow-and-brown beast, with eyes a-blink at the waning daylight, and dark wet stains around the fur of jaws and throat. Conradin dropped on his knees. The great polecat-ferret made its way down to a small brook at the foot of the garden, drank for a moment, then crossed a little plank bridge and was lost to sight in the bushes. Such was the passing of Sredni Vashtar.

“La come de te es preparada.” – la servor fema con fas asida dise. “Do es la seniora?” “El ia desende a la cabana ante alga tempo.” – Conradin dise. E en cuando la servor vade per clama la seniora a te, Conradin prende un force de tosta de la caxeta de la comoda de cosina e comensa tosta per se un peso de pan. E tra la tosta de lo e la buri de lo con multe bur e la gusta lenta de come lo, Conradin escuta la ruidos e silentias cual aveni en spasmas rapida ultra la porte de la sala de come. La xilia forte e stupida de la servor, la coro respondente de dises demandante de la area de cosina, la sona de pasos fretante e la ambasadas fretada per la aida esternal, e alora, pos un sesa, la sanglotas asustada e la pasos tirante de los ci porta un carga pesa a en la casa.

“Tea is ready,” said the sour-faced maid; “where is the mistress?” “She went down to the shed some time ago,” said Conradin. And while the maid went to summon her mistress to tea, Conradin fished a toasting-fork out of the sideboard drawer and proceeded to toast himself a piece of bread. And during the toasting of it and the buttering of it with much butter and the slow enjoyment of eating it, Conradin listened to the noises and silences which fell in quick spasms beyond the dining-room door. The loud foolish screaming of the maid, the answering chorus of wondering ejaculations from the kitchen region, the scuttering footsteps and hurried embassies for outside help, and then, after a lull, the scared sobbings and the shuffling tread of those who bore a heavy burden into the house.

“Ma ci va informa la povre enfante? Me no pote fa lo per la vive de me!” – un vose xiliante esclama. E en cuando los debate la cosa entre se, Conradin fa per se un otra peso de tostada.

“Whoever will break it to the poor child? I couldn’t for the life of me!” exclaimed a shrill voice. And while they debated the matter among themselves, Conradin made himself another piece of toast.

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