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La om ci ia ama la mone plu ca la vive

Un fable xines colieda e traduida a engles par Mary Hayes Davis e Chow-Leung.
Traduida de engles a elefen par Lay Con

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A la eda antica, on ia ave un lenior vea ci ia vade a la monte a cuasi cada dia per talia lenios.

In ancient times there was an old woodcutter who went to the mountain almost every day to cut wood.

On dise ce esta om vea ia es un avar ci ia cumula sua arjento asta ce lo deveni oro, e el ia atende oro multe plu ca tota en la mundo.

It was said that this old man was a miser who hoarded ​his silver until it changed to gold, and that he cared more for gold than anything else in all the world.

A un dia, un tigre de la savajeria ia salta a el, e el ia core ma el no ia pote evade lo. La tigre ia porta el de ala con sua boca.

One day a wilderness tiger sprang at him and though he ran he could not escape, and the tiger carried him off in its mouth.

La fio de la lenior ia vide la peril de sua padre e ia core per salva sua padre si posible. La fio ia porta un cotel con se, e car el ia pote plu core ca la tigre cual ia debe porta un person, donce el ia ateni pronto los.

The woodcutter’s son saw his father’s danger, and ran to save him if possible. He carried a long knife, and as he could run faster than the tiger, who had a man to carry, he soon overtook them.

Sua padre ia es poca ferida car la tigre ia teni el con sua vestes. Cuando la lenior ia vide ce sua fio es a punto de coteli la tigre, el ia cria xocada:

His father was not much hurt, for the tiger held him by his clothes. When the old woodcutter saw his son about to stab the tiger he called out in great alarm:

“No destrui la pel de la tigre! No destrui la pel de la tigre! Si tu pote mata lo sin ce tu coteli bucos en sua pel, nos pote oteni multe arjento per lo. Mata el, ma ta ce tu no coteli sua corpo.”

“Do not spoil the tiger’s skin! Do not spoil the tiger’s skin! If you can kill him without cutting holes in his skin we can get many pieces of silver for it. Kill him, but do not cut his body.”

En cuando la fio ia escuta la instrui de sua padre, la tigre ia core subita con la om vea en la foresta a un loca do sua fio no ia pote ateni el, e ia mata pronto la om vea.

While the son was listening to his father’s instructions the tiger suddenly dashed off into the forest, carrying the old man where the son could not reach him, and he was soon killed.

E la naror saja de esta fable ia dise:

And the wise man who told this story said:

“A! La coraje de esta om vea es folia. Sua ama per la mone es plu forte ca sua ama per la vive.”

“Ah, this old man’s courage was foolishness. His love for money was stronger than his love for life itself.”

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