Elefen for Travellers

Basic words – Parolas simple

si yes
no no
grasias thank you
multe grasias thank you very much
no problem you’re welcome
per favore please
pardona sorry / excuse me
alo hello
adio goodbye
asta plu tarda see you later
bon matina good morning
bon dia good afternoon
bon sera good evening
bon note goodnight
me no comprende I don’t understand
como on dise esta en elefen? how do you say this in Elefen?
tu parla …? do you speak …?
engles English
franses French
deutx German
espaniol Spanish
jonguo / xines Chinese
me I / me
nos we / us
tu you (singular)
vos you (plural)
el he / she / him / her
lo it
los they / them
cual es tua nom? what is your name?
encantada! pleased to meet you!
como lo vade? how are you?
bon good
mal bad
sposa wife
sposo husband
fia daughter
fio son
madre mother
padre father
ami friend
do es la saleta privata? where is the toilet / restroom?

Numbers – Numeros

zero 0
un 1
du 2
tre 3
cuatro 4
sinco 5
ses 6
sete 7
oto 8
nove 9
des 10
des-un 11
des-du 12
des-tre 13
des-cuatro 14
des-sinco 15
des-ses 16
des-sete 17
des-oto 18
des-nove 19
dudes 20
dudes-un 21
tredes 30
cuatrodes 40
sincodes 50
sesdes 60
setedes 70
otodes 80
novedes 90
sento 100
mil 1000
milion 1 000 000

Shopping and eating – Compras e comes

cuanto esta custa? how much does this cost?
cual es esta? what is this?
me va compra lo I will buy it
me vole compra … I want to buy …
tu ave …? do you have …?
tu aseta cartas de credito? do you accept credit cards?
abrida open
cluida closed
carta postal postcard
selo postal stamp
poca few / little
multe many / much
tota all
come de matina breakfast
come media lunch / dinner
come de sera supper / dinner
vejetaliste vegetarian
caxer kosher
joia! cheers!
bon sania! to your health!
la fatura, per favore the bill / check, please
pan bread
bevida drink
cafe coffee
te tea
jus juice
acua water
bir beer
vino wine
sal salt
peper pepper
carne meat
carne de bove beef
carne de porco pork
carne de gal chicken
pex fish
vejetal vegetable
fruta fruit
patata potato
salada salad
deser dessert
crema jelada ice cream

Travel – Viajas

do es … ? where is …?
cuanto es la custa de un bileta? how much is a ticket?
un bileta per vade a …, per favore one ticket to …, please
do tu vade? where are you going?
do tu abita? where do you live?
tren train
bus bus
metro underground / subway
airoporto airport
stasion de tren train station
stasion de bus bus station
stasion de metro underground station / subway station
parti depart / leave
ariva arrive
lueria de autos car rental agency
parce de autos car park / parking lot
otel hotel
sala room
reserva reserve
tu ave un sala vacua per esta note? do you have a room available for tonight?
no salas vacua no vacancies
pasaporto passport

Directions – Dirijes

a sinistra left
a destra right
direta a ante straight ahead
a supra above
a su below
distante far
prosima near
longa long
corta short
mapa map
ofisia de informa per viajores tourist information office

Places – Locas

posteria post office
museo museum
banco bank
ofisia de polisia police station
ospital hospital
farmasia pharmacy / drugstore / chemist
boteca shop / store
restorante restaurant
scola school
eglesa church
saletas privata restrooms / bathrooms
strada street
rua road
plaza plaza / square
monte mountain
colina hill
vale valley
mar sea / ocean
lago lake
rio river
pisina swimming pool
tore tower
ponte bridge

Time and date – La data e la ora

cual es la ora? what time is it?
tre e des-sinco 3:15
tre e un cuatri 3:15
des-un e tredes 11:30
des-un e un dui 11:30
un e cuatrodes-sinco 1:45
du min un cuatri 1:45
dia day
semana week
mense month
anio year
lundi Monday
martedi Tuesday
mercurdi Wednesday
jovedi Thursday
venerdi Friday
saturdi Saturday
soldi Sunday
janero January
febrero February
marto March
april April
maio May
junio June
julio July
agosto August
setembre September
otobre October
novembre November
desembre December
primavera spring
estate summer
autono autumn / fall
inverno winter
oji today
ier yesterday
doman tomorrow
aniversario birthday
bon aniversario! happy birthday!

Traduida par George Boeree.

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