La faor de bon atas

par Oscar Wilde

traduida par Andrew Burns

Mostra ance la testo orijinal

Lo es note e El es solitar.

It was night-time and He was alone.

E El vide, a distante, la mures de un site ronda e vade en dirije a la site.

And He saw afar-off the walls of a round city and went towards the city.

E cuando El prosimi, El oia, de en la site, la pasos de pedes felis e la surie de bocas joiosa e la ruido forte de multe lutos. El bateta la porton e alga gardores abri lo per El.

And when He came near He heard within the city the tread of the feet of joy, and the laughter of the mouth of gladness and the loud noise of many lutes. And He knocked at the gate and certain of the gatekeepers opened to Him.

E El regarda un casa cual es fabricada de marmo e ave colonas bela de marmo ante lo. La colonas es garlandida, e a en e a estra on ave torxas de sedro. E El entra a la casa.

And He beheld a house that was of marble and had fair pillars of marble before it. The pillars were hung with garlands, and within and without there were torches of cedar. And He entered the house.

E pos cuando El pasa tra la salon de calsedonia e la salon de jaspe e ateni la salon longa de banceta, El vide algun con capeles coronida par rosas roja e labios rojida par vino ci reposa sur un sofa marin purpur.

And when He had passed through the hall of chalcedony and the hall of jasper, and reached the long hall of feasting, He saw lying on a couch of sea-purple one whose hair was crowned with red roses and whose lips were red with wine.

E El vade a pos el e toca el sur la spala e dise a el: “Perce tu vive tal?”

And He went behind him and touched him on the shoulder and said to him, “Why do you live like this?”

E la om joven turna e reconose El e fa un responde e dise “A un ves me ia es un leprosa, e tu ia sani me. En cual otra modo me ta debe vive?”

And the young man turned round and recognised Him, and made answer and said, “But I was a leper once, and you healed me. How else should I live?”

E El sorti de la casa e vade denova a sur la strada.

And He passed out of the house and went again into the street.

E pos tempo corta El vide algun con un fas e veste pintida ci porta sapatos de perla. E un om joven ci porta un capa ducolorida veni, lenta como un xasor, pos la fem. La fas de la fem es bela como un idol, e la oios de la om joven es luminada par desira sesal.

And after a little while He saw one whose face and raiment were painted and whose feet were shod with pearls. And behind her came, slowly as a hunter, a young man who wore a cloak of two colours. Now the face of the woman was as the fair face of an idol, and the eyes of the young man were bright with lust.

E El segue rapida el e toca la mano de la om joven e dise a el: “Perce tu regarda tal esta fem?”

And He followed swiftly and touched the hand of the young man and said to him, “Why do you look at this woman and in such wise?”

E la om joven turna e reconose El e dise: “Ma a un ves me ia es sieca, e tu ia dona a me la vide. Cual otra cosa me ta debe regarda?”

And the young man turned round and recognised Him and said, “But I was blind once, and you gave me sight. At what else should I look?”

E El core e toca la veste pintida de la fem e dise a el: “Esce on no ave un otra via per pasea estra la via de peca?”

And He ran forward and touched the painted raiment of the woman and said to her, “Is there no other way in which to walk save the way of sin?”

E la fem turna e reconose El e rie e dise: “Ma tu ia pardona mea pecas, e esta via es un via plasente.”

And the woman turned round and recognised Him, and laughed and said, “But you forgave me my sins, and the way is a pleasant way.”

E El sorti de la site.

And He passed out of the city.

E pos cuando El sorti de la site, El vide un om joven ci senta a lado de la via e plora.

And when He had passed out of the city He saw seated by the roadside a young man who was weeping.

E El prosimi a el e El toca sua mexones longa e dise a el: “Perce tu plora?”

And He went towards him and touched the long locks of his hair and said to him, “Why are you weeping?”

E la om joven regarda a supra e reconose El e fa un responde: “Car a un ves me ia es mor e tu ia leva me de la mori. Cual estra plora me ta debe fa?”

And the young man looked up and recognised Him and made answer, “But I was dead once and you raised me from the dead. What else should I do but weep?”

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