Pensa per la dia (2014)

Traduida par Guido Crufio

1 “Car la parolas de la anio pasada parteni a la lingua de la anio pasada And next year’s words await another voice.” T.S. Eliot (From Four Quartets)
2 “Tu vide tu enfantes multe plu frecuente cuando los sesa abita en la casa de la familia.” “You see much more of your children once they leave home.” Lucille Ball
3 “Cuando un om considera sposi, el no teme lia se a sola un fem; el teme separa se de tota la otras.” “It isn’t tying himself to one woman that a man dreads when he thinks of marrying; it’s separating himself from all the others.” Helen Rowland
4 “Per es susedosa, la tu desira per susede ta debe es plu grande ca la tu teme de fali.” “In order to succeed, your desire for success should be greater than your fear of failure.” Bill Cosby
5 “Conose otras es sajia; conose tu mesma es Lumina.” “Knowing others is wisdom; knowing yourself is Enlightenment.” Lao Tzu
6 “Cuando tu es en ama, tu esperia la du e dui dias la plu gloriosa en la tu vive.” “When you are in love it’s the most glorious two and a half days of your life.” Richard Lewis
7 “Atas peti e realida es plu bon ca atas grande ma sola intendeda.” “Small deeds done are better than great deeds planned.” Peter Marshall
8 “En politica, stupidia no es un nonvantaje.” “In politics, stupidity is not a handicap.” Napoleon Bonaparte
9 “Si un scriveria desordinada indica un mente desordinada, alora, ce un scriveria vacua indica?” “If a cluttered desk is a sign of a cluttered mind, of what, then, is an empty desk a sign?” Albert Einstein
10 “Si tu no ave alga ombras, tu no es en la lus.” “If you don’t have any shadows, you’re not in the light” Lady Gaga
11 “Cuando me ia vade a la scola la enseniores ia dise a me ce pratica gida a perfetia. Alora los ia dise a me ce nun es perfeta, donce me ia sesa pratica.” “When I was in school the teachers told me practise makes perfect. Then they told me nobody’s perfect, so I stopped practising.” Steven Wright
12 “Vive es como un bisicle con des engranas. La plu de nos ave engranas cual nos usa nunca.” “Life is like a ten gear bicycle. Most of us have gears we never use.” Charles M. Schulz
13 “Nunca leva tu manos contra tu enfantes – lo va lasa tu ventre es nonprotejeda.” “Never raise your hands to your children – it leaves your midsection unprotected.” Robert Orben
14 “Direta cuando tu sesa desira alga cosa, tu reseta lo.” “As soon as you stop wanting something, you get it.” Andy Warhol
15 “Esposa tu mesma a tu temes la plu profonda; a pos, teme no plu ave potia e la teme de libria diminui e desapare. Tu es libre.” “Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” Jim Morrison
16 “Tato es la capasia de dise a algun ce los ta debe vade a enferno en un tal modo ce los espeta la viaja con zelo.” “Tact is the ability to tell someone to go to hell in such a way that they look forward to the trip.” Winston Churchill
17 “No idea intelijente pote gania aseta jeneral estra si lo conteni alga stupidia.” “No intelligent idea can gain general acceptance unless some stupidity is mixed in with it” Fernando Pessoa
18 “Vive ta es trajedial si lo no ta es comica.” “Life would be tragic if it weren’t funny.” Stephen Hawking
19 “Felisia es no cosa plu ca bon sania e un mal memoria.” “Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory.” Albert Schweitzer
20 “A, cafe. La balsam dulse par cual nos va reali la taxes de oji.” “Ah coffee. The sweet balm by which we shall accomplish today’s tasks.” Holly Black
21 “La veria es como la sol. Tu pote esclui lo per alga tempo, ma lo no va vade a via.” “Truth is like the sun. You can shut it out for a time, but it ain’t going away.” Elvis Presley
22 “La difere entre stupidia e jenio es ce jenio ave se limitas.” “The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.” Albert Einstein
23 “Si gatos ta aspeta como ranas, nos ta persepi ce tipo de b*******s desplasente e cruel los es. Stilo. Acel es lo cual persones recorda.” “If cats looked like frogs we’d realize what nasty, cruel little b******s they are. Style. That’s what people remember.” Terry Pratchett
24 “Autofida es nonconose. Si tu senti tro autofidante, acel es car ave alga cosa cual tu no conose.” “Confidence is ignorance. If you’re feeling cocky, it’s because there’s something you don’t know.” Eoin Colfer
25 “Un dui de pare astuta es manteni la boca cluida a la veses conveninte.” “Half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times.” Patrick Rothfuss
26 “Du cosas es serta en vive: nonsertia, e me no es serta sur la cosa du.” “Two things in life are certain: uncertainty, and I’m not sure about the second thing.” Jarod Kintz
27 “Tota de nos teni la claves de nos selulas-de-prison propre.” “We all hold the keys to our own jail cells.” Paul Levine
28 “Me imajina enferno tal: puntualia italian, umor deutx e vino engles.” “I imagine hell like this: Italian punctuality, German humour and English wine.” Peter Ustinov
29 “Ama dura sirca sete anios. La corpo nesesa acel cuantia de tempo per rejenera tota se selulas.” “Love lasts about seven years. That’s how long it takes for the cells of the body to totally replace themselves.” Françoise Sagan
30 “Persones ci sabe poca parla multe, ma persones ci sabe multe parla poca.” “People who know little say much, while people who know much say little.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau
31 “Sempre ave alga dementes. Ta es un mundo noiante sin los.” “There are always some lunatics about. It would be a dull world without them.” Arthur Conan Doyle
1 “La scrive es simil a la sposi. On ta debe promete nunca se ante es stonada par se bon fortuna.” “Writing is like getting married. One should never commit oneself until one is amazed at one’s luck.” Iris Murdoch
2 “Como persones trata tu es se carma; como tu reata es lo de tu” “How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours.” Wayne W. Dyer
3 “Cuando lo cual tu oia e lo cual tu vide no conforma la un con la otra, fida tu oios.” “When what you hear and what you see don’t match, trust your eyes.” Dale Renton
4 “No importa como calma la jenitores atenta arbitra, a fini la eleva de enfantes va produi un condui bizara. Me no refere a la enfantes. Se condui es sempre normal.” “No matter how calmly you try to referee, parenting will eventually produce bizarre behavior, and I’m not talking about the kids. Their behavior is always normal.” Bill Cosby
5 “La presidentes es elejeda. Ma no par la votores.” “Presidents are selected, not elected.” Franklin D. Roosevelt
6 “Seso es un de la nove esplicas per reincarne. La oto otras no importa.” “Sex is one of the nine reasons for reincarnation. The other eight are unimportant” Henry Miller
7 “Novedes persentos de hoci es mental e la otra dui es fisical.” “Ninety percent of hockey is mental and the other half is physical.” Wayne Gretzky
8 “Me ia vide la program, ‘50 Cosas Per Fa Ante Tu Mori’. Me ta pensa ce la cosa la plu importante es ‘Cria per reseta aida’.” “I saw that show, ‘50 Things To Do Before You Die’. I would have thought the obvious one was ‘Shout For Help’. ” Jimmy Carr
9 “Politica es mera la mundo de spetaculo per persones fea.” “Politics is just show business for ugly people.” Jay Leno
10 “A la eda de 50 cadun ave la fas cual el merita.” “At 50 everyone has the face that he deserves.” George Orwell
11 “Si Dio ta vole ce nos vola, el ta dona biletas a nos.” “If God wanted us to fly, he would have given us tickets.” Mel Brooks
12 “La lingua, como un cotel agu, mata sin produi sangue.” “The tongue, like a sharp knife, kills without drawing blood.” Buddha
13 “La plu de persones labora sufisinte per no es despedida e es sufisinte paiada per no resinia.” “Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.” George Carlin
14 “Oji es la festa de Valentin – o como omes gusta nomi lo, la dia de Estorse.” “Today is Valentine’s Day – or as men like to call it, Extortion Day.” Jay Leno
15 “Femes ci xerca egalia con omes ave no aspira.” “Women who seek to be equal with men lack ambition.” Marilyn Monroe
16 “En cualce situa, prende nunca un pil per dormi e un paraconstipa en la mesma note.” “Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.” Dave Barry
17 “A nase, nos es nuda, moiada e fame. Alora, la situa mali.” “We are born naked, wet and hungry. Then things get worse.” Autor nonconoseda
18 “No fura. La governa odia compete.” “Don’t steal. The government hates competition.” Ron Paul
19 “Fura ideas de un person es plajia. Fura de multe es rexerca.” “To steal ideas from one person is plagiarism. To steal from many is research.” Wilson Mizner
20 “Es clar ce Dio ama persones stupida. El ia crea TAN multe.” “God must love stupid people – he made SO many.” Autor nonconoseda
21 “Lus viaja plu rapida ca sona. Per esta razona, alga persones pare briliante asta cuando los parla.” “Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.” Albert Einstein
22 “Ci ia vide prima un bove e ia pensa ‘Me vole sabe: ce va aveni si me presa esta cosas pendente e bevi cualce cosa cual sorti’?” “Who was the first to see a cow and think ‘I wonder what will happen if I squeeze these dangly things and drink whatever comes out’?” Autor nonconoseda
23 “Un democratia es no cosa plu ca rena de la manada, do sincodes-un persentos de la popla pote sutrae la diretos de la otra cuatrodes-nove.” “A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where fifty-one percent of the people may take away the rights of the other forty-nine.” Thomas Jefferson
24 “Si un om ta pote ave un dui de se desiras, el ta dupli se turbas.” “If a man could have half of his wishes, he would double his troubles.” Benjamin Franklin
25 “Persones ci pensa ce los sabe tota es multe iritante a nos ci vera sabe tota.” “People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.” Isaac Asimov
26 “Fali es la spise cual dona sabor a susede.” “Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.” Truman Capote
27 “Coraje no es la asentia de teme, ma plu la judi ce un otra cosa es plu importante ca teme.” something else is more important than fear.” Ambrose Redmoon
28 “Si tu fesuri la ovos, tu ta debe fa la omeleta.” “If you’ve broken the eggs, you should make the omelette.” Anthony Eden
1 “A veses par perde un batalia tu trova un modo nova per gania la gera.” “Sometimes by losing a battle you find a new way to win the war.” Donald Trump
2 “Insultas es la razonas usada par los ci era.” “Insults are the arguments employed by those who are in the wrong.” Jean-Jacques Rousseau
3 “Un ami es algun ci sabe tota sur tu e ama ancora tu.” “A friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you.” Elbert Hubbard
4 “Tu sabe ce tu es en ama cuando tu no pote adormi car final realia es plu bon ca tu sonias.” “You know you’re in love when you can’t fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.” Dr. Seuss
5 “Esperia es simple la nom cual nos dona a nos eras.” “Experience is simply the name we give our mistakes.” Oscar Wilde
6 “Si tu jenitores ia ave enfantes nunca, la probablia es ce ance tu no va ave los.” “If your parents never had children, chances are you won’t either.” Dick Cavett
7 “Si prima tu no susede, destrui tota atesta ce tu ia atenta.” “If at first you don’t succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.” Autor nonconoseda
8 “No ave bon e mal, ave sola potia e los ci es tro debil per xerca lo.” “There is no good and evil, there is only power and those too weak to seek it.” J.K.Rowling
9 “La imajina ia es donada a umanas per compensa los per lo cual los no es; la umor per consola los per lo cual los es.” “Imagination was given to man to compensate him for what he is not; Humor to console him for what he is.” Francis Bacon
10 “Vera, per alga omes no cosa es scriveda estra si los scrive lo.” “Truly, for some men nothing is written unless they write it.” Sherif Ali
11 “Nos ave un controla sufisinte de fusiles. Lo cual nos nesesa es un controla de foles.” “We have enough gun control. What we need is idiot control.” Autor nonconoseda
12 “Un consiensa nonturbada es mera la resulta de un mal memoria.” “A clear conscience is merely the result of bad memory.” Mark Twain
13 “Honolulu ave cada cosa. Arena per la enfantes, sol per la sposa, selacos per la madre par sposi.” “Honolulu’s got everything. Sand for the children, sun for the wife, sharks for the wife’s mother.” Ken Dodd
14 “Tu no pote construi un reputa par lo cual tu intende fa.” “You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do.” Henry Ford
15 “La gidores la plu mal es femes en portapersones, omes en camionetas blanca e cualcun ci porta un xapo de basebal. Acel es cuasi cadun.” “The worst drivers are women in people carriers, men in white vans and anyone in a baseball cap. That’s just about everyone.” Paul O’Grady
16 “Ave nun tan sieca como los ci refusa vide. La persones la plu iludeda es los ci eleje iniora lo cual los sabe ja.” “There are none so blind as those who will not see. The most deluded people are those who choose to ignore what they already know.” Jonathan Swift
17 “Cuando un om fura tu sposa, ave no retalia plu bon ca lasa ce la om reteni el.” “When a man steals your wife there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.” Sacha Guitry
18 “Per ce Noah no ia mata la du moscetas?” “Why didn’t Noah swat those two mosquitoes?” Autor nonconoseda
19 “Per la primate promedia, crede ce el ia desende de umanas es an plu difisil.” “It is even harder for the average ape to believe that he has descended from man.” H.L. Mencken
20 “Jeneral, lingua es un util per asconde la veria.” “By and large, language is a tool for concealing the truth.” George Carlin
21 “Talia la piza en cuatro pesos si tu no es sufisinte fame per come ses.” “Cut a pizza into four pieces if you’re not hungry enough to eat six.” Yogi Berra
22 “Sempre fa sobre lo sur cual tu ia dise ce tu va fa ebra lo. Acel va ensenia a tu ce tu ta debe manteni cluida tu boca.” “Always do sober what you said you’d do drunk. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut.” Ernest Hemingway
23 “No sonia lo. Es lo.” “Don’t dream it. Be it.” Tim Curry
24 “Cisa ama no fa jira la mundo, ma me debe confesa ce lo fa gustable la turi.” “Love may no make the world go round, but I must admit it makes the ride worthwhile.” Sean Connery
25 “La cade no es lo cual mata tu; es la para subita a la fini.” “It’s not the fall that kills you; it’s the sudden stop at the end.” Douglas Adams
26 “Femes nesesa un razona per fa la seso. Omes nesesa mera un loca.” “Women need a reason to have sex. Men just need a place.” Billy Crystal
27 “Parolas es pistoles cargada.” “Words are loaded pistols.” Jean-Paul Sartre
28 “Ave du tipos de umanas: la virtuosas ci pensa ce los es pecores e la pecores ci pensa ce los es virtuosa.” “There are only two kinds of men: the righteous who think they are sinners and the sinners who think they are righteous.” Blaise Pascal
29 “Doman espera ce nos ia aprende alga cosa de ier.” “Tomorrow hopes we have learned something from yesterday.” John Wayne
30 “Es bon ce gera es tan asustante, o cisa nos ta comensa gusta lo.” “It is good that war is so horrible, or we might grow to like it.” Robert E. Lee
31 “Ave du modos de trata un fem e nun sabe o la un o la otra.” “There are two ways to handle a woman and nobody knows either of them.” Kin Hubbard
1 “Cuando inverno veni, esce primavera es distante?” “If winter comes, can spring be far behind?” Percy Bysshe Shelley
2 “Si eletrica no ta esiste cadun ta televide par la lus de candelas.” “If it weren’t for electricity we’d all be watching television by candlelight.” George Gobel
3 “La televisa ia retrae omiside a la casa do lo conveni.” “TV has brought murder back into the home where it belongs.” Alfred Hitchcock
4 “Es lo cual persones no sabe la un sur la otra lo cual manteni la amia entre los.” “It’s what people don’t know about each other that makes them such good friends.” Autor nonconoseda
5 “Me ia es esaminada sur Esistisme. Me ia lasa nonplenida tota de la respondes e ia ateni 100.” “I took a test in Existentialism. I left all the answers blank and got 100.” Woody Allen
6 “No permete ce ier consuma tro multe de oji.” “Don’t let yesterday use up too much of today.” Will Rogers
7 “Cada comensa ave un fini e cada fini es un comensa nova.” “Every beginning has an end and every end is a new beginning.” Santosh Kalwar
8 “Vive ta es nontolerable noiante si nos ta ave la respondes a tota de nos demandas.” “Life would be unbearably dull if we had answers to all our questions.” Jim Butcher
9 “Dormetas periodal preveni senese, spesial si tu fa los en cuando tu gida.” “Regular naps prevent old age, especially if you take them while driving.” Autor nonconoseda
10 “Sposia - lo es tan merveliosa cuando on trova un person spesial ci tu vole irita per la resta de tu vive.” “Marriage - it’s so great to find that one special person you want to annoy for the rest of your life.” Rita Rudner
11 “Ansia no sutrae la tristia de doman. Lo sutrae la fortia de oji.” “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrow. It empties today of its strength.” Corrie Ten Boom
12 “La fali es la madre de la susede.” “Failure is the mother of success.” proverbo xines
13 “No cosa viaja plu rapida ca lus, con eseta posible de mal novas, cual obedi leges propre e spesial.” “Nothing travels faster than the speed of light with the possible exception of bad news, which obeys its own special laws.” Douglas Adams
14 “Presenta un person mental sana a me, e me va cura el.” “Show me a sane man and I will cure him for you.” Carl Jung
15 “Como sempre, la vinse trova 100 padres, ma la defeta es orfan.” “As always, victory finds 100 fathers, but defeat is an orphan.” Galeazzo Ciano
16 “Cadun considera cambia la mundo, ma nun considera cambia se mesma.” “Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” Leo Tolstoy
17 “Si de la comensa tu vole es gustada, tu ta es volente compromete sur cualce cosa a cualce tempo, e tu ta ateni no cosa.” “If you set out to be liked, you would be prepared to compromise on anything at any time, and you would achieve nothing.” Margaret Thatcher
18 “Tu va fa rara desides saja si tu ensirca tu con foles.” “You will rarely make wise decisions if you surround yourself with fools.” Rasheed Ogunlaru
19 “La cosa la plu importante en comunica es oia lo cual no es diseda.” “The most important thing in communication is hearing what isn’t said.” Peter Drucker
20 “No turba tu sur la fini de la mundo oji. Lo es doman ja en Australia.” “Don’t worry about the world coming to an end today. It is already tomorrow in Australia.” Charles Schulz
21 “A la labora, sempre dona 100%: 12% a lundi, 23% a martedi, 40% a mercurdi, 20% a jovedi, 5% a venerdi.” “Always give 100% at work: 12% Monday, 23% Tuesday, 40% Wednesday, 20% Thursday, 5% Friday.” Autor nonconoseda
22 “Persones adulti nunca, los aprende mera como on condui publica.” “People never grow up, they just learn how to act in public.” Bryan White
23 “Un xica real no es perfeta e un xica perfeta no es real.” “A real girl isn’t perfect and a perfect girl isn’t real.” Harry Styles
24 “Si tu no sabe a do tu vade, cualce via va gida tu ala.” “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road’ll take you there” George Harrison
25 “Sabe o escuta los ci sabe.” “Know or listen to those who know.” Baltasar Gracian
26 “Tu ateni susede en tu campo cuando tu no sabe si lo cual tu fa es labora o jua.” “You’ve achieved success in your field when you don’t know whether what you’re doing is work or play.” Warren Beatty
27 “Un om en ama es noncompleta asta cuando el sposi. Alora el es finida.” “A man in love is incomplete until he has married. Then he’s finished.” Zsa Zsa Gabor
28 “La lojica pur es la ruina de la spirito.” “Pure logic is the ruin of the spirit.” Antoine de Saint-Exupery
29 “Multe persones vive con la ilude ce los ave no ilude.” “Many people live under the illusion that they have none.” Hubert Ries
30 “On no descovre teras nova sin acorda perde la vista de la costa tra un tempo multe longa.” “One doesn’t discover new lands without consenting to lose sight of the shore for a very long time.” Andre Gide
1 “E la dia ia ariva cuando la risca de permane streta en un broto es plu dolosa ca la risca cual esiste de flori.” “And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” Anais Nin
2 “Enferno no ave coleria como la legiste de un fem despetada.” “Hell hath no fury like the lawyer of a woman scorned.” Autor nonconoseda
3 “De do tu veni no importa ma a do tu vade.” “It’s not where you come from, its where you are going that counts.” Mr T
4 “Si tu pensa ce tu pote o si tu pensa ce tu no pote, tu ave razona.” “Whether you think you can or think you can’t, you’re right.” Henry Ford
5 “Los ci porta la brilia de sol a la vives de otras lasa un donada nonrecambiable.” “Those who bring sunshine to the lives of others leave an irreplaceable gift behind.” Autor nonconoseda
6 “Persones es solitar car los construi mures en loca de pontes.” “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” Josephe R. Newton
7 “Lo es plu fasil es saja per otras ca per nos mesma.” “It is easier to be wise for others than for ourselves.” Francois De La Rochefoucauld
8 “Contra la ataca de rie no cosa pote combate.” “Against the assault of laughter nothing can stand.” Mark Twain
9 “La vive de cada om es un jornal personal en cual el intende scrive un nara, e scrive un otra, e se ora la plu umil es lo cuando el compara la volum como lo es, con lo cual el ia jura ce el va fa lo.” “The life of every man is a diary in which he means to write one story, and writes another; and his humblest hour is when he compares the volume as it is, with what he vowed to make it.” J. M. Barrie
10 “Comensa vide tu como un spirito con un corpo en loca de un corpo con un spirito.” “Begin to see yourself as a soul with a body rather than a body with a soul.” Wayne Dyer
11 “No descapasi tu enfantes par fasili se vives.” “Don’t handicap your children by making their lives easy.” Robert A. Heinlein
12 “Nun pote revade per crea un comensa nova, ma cualcun pote comensa oji per crea un fini nova.” “Nobody can go back and start a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending.” Maria Robinson
13 “Tota cosas grande ave comensas peti.” “All great things have small beginnings.” Peter Senge
14 “Si gania no es tota, perce on calcula la puntos?” “If winning isn’t everything, why do they keep score?” Vince Lombardi
15 “Si nos aprende abri nos cores, cualcun, incluinte la persones ci dementi nos, pote es nos enseniores.” “If we learn to open our hearts, anyone, including the people who drive us crazy, can be our teacher.” Pema Chodron
16 “Si tu atas inspira otras a sonia plu, aprende plu, fa plu, tu es un xef.” “If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more, you are a leader.” John Quincy Adams
17 “Comensa cada dia con un surie e fini lo pronto.” “Start every day off with a smile and get it over with.” W.C. Fields
18 “Femes gusta omes silente. Los pensa ce los escuta.” “Women like silent men. They think they’re listening.” Marcel Achard
19 “Seguores pensa e parla sur la problemes. Xefes pensa e parla sur la solves,” “Followers think and talk about the problems. Leaders think and talk about the solutions.” Brian Tracy
20 “Tu pote prisoni un om, ma no un idea. Tu pote esclui un om, ma no un idea. Tu pote mata un om, ma no un idea.” “You can imprison a man, but not an idea. You can exile a man, but not an idea. You can kill a man, but not an idea.” Benazir Bhutto
21 “Nos no pote eleje la cosas cual va aveni a nos. Ma nos pote eleje la disposa mental cual nos va porta a cualce cosa cual va aveni. Susede o fali depende sur tu disposa mental.” “We cannot choose the things that will happen to us. But we can choose the attitude we will take toward anything that happens. Success or failure depends on your attitude.” Alfred A. Montapert
22 “Un om no sabe lo cual el sabe asta cuando el sabe lo cual el no sabe.” “A man doesn’t know what he knows until he knows what he doesn’t know.” Laurence J. Peter
23 “Imajina como profonda la mar ta es si lo no ta ave alga sponjas.” “Imagine how deep the sea would be if there weren’t any sponges.” Autor nonconoseda
24 “Si tu desira la arco de sielo, tu debe tolera la pluve.” “If you want the rainbow you have to put up with the rain.” Dolly Parton
25 “Lo no importa como oscur la note es, en alga modo la sol leva se denova e xasa a via la ombras.” “No matter how dark the night, somehow the sun rises once again and all shadows are chased away.” David Matthew
26 “La mundo es ronda e la loca cual pare la fini ance ta pote es la comensa.” “The world is round and the place which may seem like the end may also be the beginning.” Ivy Baker Priest
27 “Cada sonia comensa con un sonior. Recorda sempre ce tu ave en tu la fortia, la pasientia e la pasion per ateni la stelas per cambia la mundo.” “Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.” Harriet Tubman
28 “Persones amante abita un mundo amante. Persones enemin abita un mundo enemin. Mesma mundo.” “Loving people live in a loving world. Hostile people live in a hostile world. Same world.” Wayne Dyer
29 “Si lo es vera ce nos es asi per aida otras, alora esata perce la otras es asi? “If it’s true that we are here to help others, then what exactly are the others here for?” Autor nonconoseda
30 “Rara un enfante pote dona plu tarda lo cual el no reseta.” What a child doesn’t receive he can seldom later give.” P.D. James
31 “Persones es solitar car los construi mures en loca de pontes.” “People are lonely because they build walls instead of bridges.” Josephe R. Newton
1 “Sajia no sempre veni con eda. A veses eda ariva tota solitar.” “Wisdom doesn’t necessarily come with age. Sometimes age just shows up all by itself.” Tom Wilson
2 “Cuando tu trova ce tu sufri de stresa, demanda a tu: Esce esta va es importante pos sinco anios? Si si, alora fa alga cosa sur la situa. Si no, iniora lo.” “When you find yourself stressed, ask yourself one question: Will this matter in five years from now? If yes, then do something about the situation. If no, then let it go.” Catherine Pulsifer
3 “No teme perfetia – tu va ateni lo nunca.” “Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.” Salvador Dali
4 “Vive es un verbo, no un nom.” “Life is a verb, not a noun.” Charlotte Perkins Gilman
5 “Vade pasosa entre la ruido e freta, e recorda la pas cual silentia teni.” “Go placidly amid the noise and the haste, and remember what peace there is in silence.” Max Ehrmann
6 “Normal, el ci segue la fola no va vade a plu distantia ca la fola. El ci pasea solitar, probable va trova se en locas a cual nun ia vade ja.” “The one who follows the crowd will usually get no further than the crowd. The one who walks alone, is likely to find himself in places no one has ever been.” Albert Einstein
7 “La cosas la plu bon e la plu bela en la mundo no pote es videda, o tocada … ma es sentida en la cor.” “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen, nor touched …but are felt in the heart.” Helen Keller
8 “Nos posese du oreas e un boca afin nos pote escuta duple plu ca nos parla.” “We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak.” Epictetus
9 “La distantia entre dementia e jenio es mesurada sola par susede.” “The distance between insanity and genius is measured only by success”. Bruce Feirstein
10 “Cada pensa es un seme. Si tu planta pomas sovaje, no espeta recolie pomas Golden Delicious.” “Every thought is a seed. If you plant crab apples, don’t count on harvesting Golden Delicious.” Bill Meyer
11 “Un om ci es en ama es noncompleta asta cuando el sposi. Alora el es finida.” “A man in love is incomplete until he is married. Then he’s finished.” Zsa Zsa Gabor
12 “A veses me vade a la mar per plora car sola ala me larmas es peti.” “Sometimes I go to the ocean and cry because only there are my tears small.” Nelson Muntz
13 “Susede sinifia ce nos adormi a note sabente ce nos talentos e capasias ia es usada en un modo cual ia servi otras.” “Success means we go to sleep at night knowing that our talents and abilities were used in a way that served others.” Marianne Williamson
14 “Mera un om de cada mil es un xef de omes – la otra 999 segue femes.” “Only one man in a thousand is a leader of men – the other 999 follow women.” Groucho Marx
15 “La aritmetica la plu difisil per mestri es lo cual permete ce nos conta nos bondises.” “The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings.” Eric Hoffer
16 “La serebro es un organo merveliosa; lo comensa opera direta cuando tu leva tu a matina e no sesa asta cuando tu ariva en la ofisia.” “The brain is a wonderful organ; it starts working the moment you get up in the morning and doesn’t stop until you get into the office.” Robert Frost
17 “On no ave paradores lingual cuando on surie.” “There are no language barriers when you are smiling.” Allen Klein
18 “En la media de difisilia oportunia reclina.” “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.” Albert Einstein
19 “Los ci cexa sur como la bal bondi es frecuente los ci ia lasa lo cade.” “Those who complain about the way the ball bounces are often the ones who dropped it.” Autor nonconoseda
20 “Cuando tu xerca la bon en otras, tu descovre la plu bon en tu mesma.” “When you look for the good in others, you discover the best in yourself.” Martin Walsh
21 “Si la ‘minuto ultima’ no ta esiste, no cosa ta es atenida.” “If it wasn’t for the ‘last minute’, nothing would get done.” Autor nonconoseda
22 “Catura un pex per un om, e tu pote vende lo a el. Instrui un om como on pexa, e tu ruina un oportunia de comersia merveliosa.” “Catch a man a fish, and you can sell it to him. Teach a man to fish, and you ruin a wonderful business opportunity.” Karl Marx
23 “Persones es como fenetras colorida, la belia vera sola pote es videda cuando on ave lus de en. Plu oscur es la note, plu briliante es la fenetras.” “People are like stained glass windows, the true beauty can be seen only when there is light from within. The darker the night, the brighter the windows.” Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
24 “Gusta la cosas peti car, a un dia, en retrospeta, cisa tu va persepi ce los ia es la cosas grande.” “Enjoy the little things, for one day you may look back and realize they were the big things.” Robert Brault
25 “Es volente es un comensor a cada matina.” “Be willing to be a beginner every single morning.” Meister Eckhart
26 “El ave un direto a critica, el ci ave un cor aidante.” “He has a right to criticize, who has a heart to help.” Abraham Lincoln
27 “Cuanto anios tu ta ave si tu no ta sabe cuanto anios cual vera tu ave?” “How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?” Satchel Paige
28 “Vade nunca coler a la leto. Resta veliada e combate.” “Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight.” Phyllis Diller
29 “Instrui nunca un porco a canta. Lo es un peri de tu tempo e lo irita la porco.” “Never teach a pig to sing. It is a waste of your time and it annoys the pig.” Casey Stuart
30 “Lo no importa si algun es un nontoleror o no, ma si o no la disputa sur cual el disputa merita ce el condui como un nontoleror.” “It’s not about whether or not someone is a bigot, but whether or not the argument which that someone is arguing is worth being a bigot about.” Criss Jami
1 “La cosas la plu simple es ance la cosas la plu estracomun, e sola la sajas pote vide los.” “The simple things are also the most extraordinary things, and only the wise can see them.” Paulo Coelho
2 ”“Lo cual fa ce tu crase no es la carga, lo es como tu porta lo.” “It’s not the load that breaks you down, it’s the way you carry it.” Lou Holtz
3 “Umanas ia inventa lingua per sasia se nesesa profonda a cexa.” “Man invented language to satisfy his deep need to complain.” Lily Tomlin
4 “Vive como si tu va mori doman. Aprende como si tu va vive per sempre.” “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” Mahatma Gandhi
5 “Un fem dise la parola ultima en cualce disputa. Cualce cosa cual un om dise pos acel es la comensa de un disputa nova.” “A woman has the last word in any argument. Anything a man says after that is the beginning of a new argument.” Cheyenne Jones
6 “Rie e ironia es en la cor aidamemorias ce nos no es prisonidas en esta mundo, ma viajores tra lo.” “Laughter and irony are at heart reminders that we are not prisoners in this world, but voyagers through it.” Eben Alexander III
7 “Si tu no es la eroe de tu nara propre, alora tu perde la punto intera de tu umania.” “If you are not the hero of your own story, then you’re missing the whole point of your humanity.” Steve Maraboli
8 “Tu va ateni perfetia nunca car sempre la posiblia de boni esiste. Ma longo la via a perfetia, tu va aprende como deveni plu bon.” “You’ll never reach perfection because there’s always room for improvement. Yet along the way to perfection, you’ll learn to get better.” Hlovate
9 “Cadun ta debe es capas de presenta un truco de cartas, dise du bromas e resita tre poesias en caso ce a cualce ves el es trapida en un asendador.” “Everyone should be able to do one card trick, tell two jokes, and recite three poems, in case they are ever trapped in an elevator.” Autor nonconoseda
10 “La razona xef de organiza selebras per enfantes es afin los ata como un aidamemoria ce on ave enfantes plu asustante ca los de tu.” “The main purpose of holding children’s parties is to remind yourself that there are children more awful than your own.” Autor nonconoseda
11 “Si tu padre es un om povre, lo es tu fortuna, ma si tu padre par sposi es un om povre, lo es tu stupidia.” “If your father is a poor man, it is your fate, but if your father-in-law is a poor man, it’s your stupidity.” Autor nonconoseda
12 “Frecuente nos vide la stelas la plu briliante en la sielos la plu oscur.” “It is often in the darkest skies that we see the brightest stars.” Richard Evans
13 “Sabe lo cual es coreta no sinifia multe estra si tu fa lo cual es coreta.” “Knowing what’s right doesn’t mean much unless you do what’s right.” Theodore Roosevelt
14 “Esperia no es cual aveni a un om; lo es cual un om fa con cual aveni a el.” “Experience is not what happens to a man; it is what a man does with what happens to him.” Aldous Huxley
15 “No plora car lo ia fini, surie car lo ia aveni.” “Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” Dr. Seuss
16 “Labora es la maldise de la clases bevinte.” “Work is the curse of the drinking classes.” Oscar Wilde
17 “Plu me vive, plu me aprende. Plu me aprende, plu me comprende ce me sabe min.” “The more I live, the more I learn. The more I learn, the more I realize, the less I know.” Michel Legrand
18 “Cada cosa es comica en cuando lo aveni a un otra.” “Everything is funny as long as it is happening to someone else.” Autor nonconoseda
19 “De autofida, 10 persentos es labora multe e 90 persentos es un ilude e mera la pensa fol ce tu va es capas de fa lo cual tu vole fa.” “Confidence is 10 percent hard work and 90 percent delusion, just thinking foolishly that you will be able to do what you want to do.” Tina Fey
20 “Un barata es alga cosa cual tu no nesesa a un preso cual tu no pote resiste.” “A bargain is something you don’t need at a price you can’t resist.” Autor nonconoseda
21 “Per progresa on debe cambia; per es perfeta on debe cambia frecuente.” “To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often.” Winston Churchill
22 “La enfantes nesesa reseta du cosas de se jenitores: radises e alas.” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
23 “Los ci no conose se istoria, risca ce lo recomensa.” “Ceux qui ne connaissent pas leur histoire s’exposent à ce qu’elle recommence.” Elie Wiesel
24 “la ideales ave cualias strana, incluinte la cualia de cambia brusca a asurda cuando on atenta segue sever los.” Robert Musil
25 “Si tu ave un poma, si me ave un poma e si nos intercambia esta pomas, alora tu e me va ave ancora sola un poma. Ma si tu ave un idea, si me ave un idea e si nos intercambia esta ideas, alora cadun de nos va ave du ideas.” “If you have an apple and I have an apple and we exchange these apples then you and I will still each have one apple. But if you have an idea and I have an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas.” George Bernard Shaw
26 “An la forma de la piramides de Egipte mostra ce la laborores ia tende ja labora sempre min.” “The shape even of the pyramids of Egypt shows that already the workmen tended to make some less and less.” Will Cuppy
27 “Cuando la cosinores batalia la un la otras, la rostada arde.” proverbo xines
28 “La vantaje de es intelijente es ce on pote sempre finje es stupida, en cuando la oposante es nonposible.” “The advantage of being smart is that you can always make a fool, while the opposite is impossible.” Woody Allen
29 “Si tu plora ce tu ia perde la sol, la larmas va impedi ce tu vide la stelas.” Rabindranath Tagore
30 “Cada flor es un seso! Esce tu ia pensa acel cuando tu ole un rosa?” “Chaque fleur est un sexe! Y avez-vous pensé quand vous respirez une rose?” René Barjavel
31 “la sola metodo per obliga la persones a dise bones sur nos, es ce nos fa bones.” “Le seul moyen d’obliger les hommes à dire du bien de nous, c’est d’en faire.” Voltaire
1 “Serta, vos es selacos; ma si tu governa la selaco ci es en tu, alora tu va es un anjel; car cada anjel es no cosa plu ca la selaco bon governada.” “You is sharks, sartin; but if you gobern de shark in you, why den you be angel; for all angel is not’ing more dan de shark well goberned.” Herman Melville
2 “Un eda tan asustante, cuando la stupidas gida la siecas!” “What a terrible time than where idiots are leading the blind.” William Shakespeare
3 “En vacanse, on ave no cosa per fa, e on ave tota la dia per fa lo.” “A vacation is having nothing to do and all day to do it in.” Robert Orben
4 “La musica es la lingua de la emosias.” Emmanuel Kant
5 “Un empresta de mone tra un tempo longa, sinifia ce min tu vole paia, plu tu paia.” “Un crédit à long terme, ça veut dire que moins tu veux payer, plus tu paies.” Coluche
6 “Un parla a la fini de un come debe es como la roba de un fem bela: sufisinte longa per covre la parte esensal, sufisinte corta per resta interesante.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
7 “La vive es un maladia matante cual es comunicable par seso.” Woody Allen
8 “En tota casos la espera gida plu distante ca la teme.” Woody Allen
9 “Un oio per venja un oio sieci final la mundo intera.” “An eye for an eye ends up making the whole world blind”. Mahatma Gandhi
10 “Cada efeto ave un causa, cada efeto intelijente ave un causa intelijente.” “Tout effet a une cause, tout effet intelligent a une cause intelligente.” Allan Kardec
11 “La nontolera atenta securi la veria en se manos con un saisi cual mata lo.” “Bigotry tries to keep truth safe in its hand with a grip that kills it.” Rabindranath Tagore
12 “Cuando afocante, el ofre un casa; cuando salvada, el dona an no un brice.” “Dronanto domon proponas, savito eĉ brikon ne donas.” proverbo esperanto par Lazar Ludwik Zamenhof
13 “Du cosas es infinita: la universo e la stupidia umana. Consernante la universo, me no ave un sertia asoluta.” Albert Einstein
14 “Amia boni felisia e redui miseria, par dupli la nos joia e divide la nos tristia.” Marcus Tullius Cicero
15 “Un nasion cual continua, a anio pos anio, spende plu mone a la defende militar ca a programas per la boni sosial, prosimi a ruina spirital.” “A nation that continues year after year to spend more money on military defense than on programs of social uplift is approaching spiritual doom.” Martin Luther King, Jr.
16 “Plu ca en cualce otra eda en istoria, la umanas fasa un crus de vias. Un via fini a despera e la perde de tota espera. La otra fini a estingui completa. Ta ce nos prea ce nos ta ave la sajia per eleje coreta.” “More than any other time in history, mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness. The other, to total extinction. Let us pray we have the wisdom to choose correctly.” Woody Allen
17 “Esta eda es difisil per la soniores.” “Les temps sont durs pour les rêveurs.” Eva, en Amelie
18 “Si tu vole ce otras es felis, pratica compati. Si tu vole es felis, pratica compati.” “If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” Dalai Lama
19 “En se egalia gloriosa, la lege proibi egal la ricas e la povres a dormi su pontes, mendica en la stradas, e furi panes.” “In its majestic equality, the law forbids rich and poor alike to sleep under bridges, beg in the streets and steal loaves of bread.” Anatole France
20 “Me gusta realia. Lo odori como pan.” “Cloquet hated reality, but realized it was still the only place to get a good steak.” Woody Allen
21 “Tota spiritos vacua tende a opinas estrema.” “All empty souls tend to extreme opinion.” William Butler Yeats
22 “Un sonior es algun ci pote trova se via sola en la lus de la luna, e se puni es ce el vide la matina ante la resta de la mundo.” “A dreamer is one who can only find his way by moonlight, and his punishment is that he sees the dawn before the rest of the world.” Oscar Wilde
23 “Me no teme moria, me sola no vole es presente cuando lo aveni.” “I am not afraid of death, I just don’t want to be there when it happens.” Woody Allen
24 “Un om ci porta un gato par la coda aprende un cosa cual el pote aprende en no otra modo.” “A man who carries a cat by the tail learns something he can learn in no other way.” Mark Twain
25 “Lo es difisil a libri foles de la cadenas cual los adora.” “It is difficult to free fools from the chains they revere.” Voltaire
15 “Nunca duta ce un grupo peti de sitadanes pensosa e dedicada pote cambia la mundo; si, lo es sempre la sola cosa cual fa tal.” “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

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